Friday 18 June 2010

Pack, stuff, stow

Last work before vacation.


Alexandra Hedberg said...

så du packar tandborste, hårbortse och sånt i silkespapper inför semestern?

mer allvarligt talat: paketen vore fina skulpturer att ha stora "för att lätta upp den målade koncentrationen med". Om du förstår vad jag menar?

Camilla Engman said...

Ja, man vill ju att ens packning ska vara fin i fall man fastnar i tullen (som inte finns).

jo det var lite det jag lekte med. Men det var svårare att göra paket än man kan tro. Jag har ju liksom min bild av hur dom ska se ut, vilket dom inte ville lyssna på.

Anonymous said...

wonderful art work, and i love these photographs

Mr. Spoqui said...

I love your stuff, Camilla

gracia said...

How I like that stage of things... pack and wrap... ah, yes. Have a great summer break. xo

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

Such pretty little packages!

suprlipopette said...

What I see is just awesome, an the pictures are so tender...

Lina Bjernheim said...

I´d love to have somthing to make these little packages for/to.
Or maybe I just should wrap all my lunches like that from now...

Camilla Engman said...

You could wrap the leftovers fr.o.m. The lunch like this :)

Sara said...

close up of the paintings some day? very enticing.

Sébastien Haton said...

I daresay : Gorm !

Bárbara said...

This are so pretty

Daphne said...

Ohh, your blog is so sweet. I adore it. I'm adding you on bloglovin' right away! :)

Marcela Restrepo said...

You and Morran make life much more fun :)

sMacThoughts said...

That painting is so striking ... love the colors. Love the shadows! You make everything beautiful!

Lotte said...

De nye billeder er cool...U rock girl...always ;) Happy Summer vacation :)

little-a said...

I love the wrappings
very simple and so nice..
