Monday, 21 June 2010

I'm off

I'm off for vacation, see you later!


heather smith jones said...

I hope you have a delightful time Camilla!

emma said...

åh, haha, vikken fining, lite gammal serie-dam, detta.
skööööööön semester nu!

Irene said...

happy holidays, camilla! enjoy :)

Sara said...

I love this bow-tiful.

We Blog Artists said...

HAPPY SUMMER Vacationing...have a lovely Holiday Camilla!

Anonymous said...

recalls alexandra's work. happy holiday! /gomia

Geninne said...

Enjoy Camilla & Morran!!!! Hope you have a great time! :)

Anonymous said...

enjoy your vacations

Alexandra Hedberg said...

åh med den fina rosetten på huvudet?

Ha en helt underbar semester!

Bárbara said...

have fun!!! see you when you are back

Christine Clemmensen said...

God ferie :-)

Nechepurenka said...

Have a good vacation and fantastic sketches:)

;) babs said...

dear camilla,
have a great vacation with your husband and morran and a save journey home!
see you in august...
;) babs

Sammi said...

Have a lovely time Camilla x

POP LIFE said...

we'll miss you!
kisses from italia

ana ventura said...

Have a great time you 3!
Bring nice photos to us :-)

louise said...

Hope you guys have a wonderful time. xo lj

nina corvallo said...


Sébastien Haton said...

Thank you for coming bach someday ;-))
Have very nice holidays !!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful time! ♥

Simone said...

That's nice! Enjoy the holiday and i'm already looking forward to see the photo's!

Marián Lario said...

Hi Camilla!
I love your vision as an illustrator, artist, painter and photographer:) want to say that I put some pictures from you in a post from my blog as an example of "imagination" with your name linked to your blog, hope you like it,

a greeting
The child told illustration step by step.

Robin said...

Vacker linjeföring!