Wednesday, 30 January 2008


I've got tagged. Bibbi and Andrea tagged me - "Show me a special something, important or beautiful or meaningful or full of memories for you - or all of that - and tell me about it." A dear treasure to me is all the papers I've got from some of you.
And I've got the "You Make my Day Award" from Andrea :) and from Fragmented. I'll try to do the tasks later, sorry about that.

I'm going to Roma, Italy (thank you Angela for the information). It will be so great! I'll of course take a camera with me. I'll be back here behind my computer on monday. See you then.

A link to go - Paper resistance

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Party weekend

Photo: Sandra, drink: Johan. They were preparing me for the party ;)

Photo: Sandra

We had a big party this weekend. Sandra and Johan helped us to make the most delicious food and drinks. So good people couldn't stop eating! We just had time (and light) for photographing before the party started.

I tried to make a flour welcome, like this, but I used ordinary printer paper and it was to thin. And there wasn't enough time to do it again. Next time I'll do it right.

Thank you for all the comments on the last post :)

Monday, 28 January 2008


Remember this?

My design was chosen for the Converse (RED) program. (RED) is a program established by BONO of U2 to help reduce the effects of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis within Africa.

They are now available at Converse.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Morning walk

I really like Echo Eggebrecht, found the link through the Lumper.
You have to take a look at this - Jennifer Maestre's pen sculpures!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008


I've received my Pif (Pay it forward) from Bibbi. Thank you, Bibbi! I haven't sent mine yet.

Cloud - a digital sculpture for British Airways Terminal.
Lizzie Ridout.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Illustrator meeting

Yesterday I met a very talented, beautiful and nice illustrator from the other side of the world. I met Isol from Argentina, here's her blog and here she is singing! She's one of the visiting illustrators having workshops at Akvarellmuseet, for the exhibition Children's picture book. Of course we went for a fika :) looking through many of her books. It was so nice to meet you Isol! I hope we'll meet again.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Light and hope

I know it is still winter and will be for a long time. But I can feel a hope of light and spring :)

What's in your bag?

Sandra "tagged" me - Dump out your purse/bag and show what’s inside: (if I'll do that there will be nothing inside... right ;)
If we start from the top left - a mitten I use as a camera bag, my purse, a bottle of wine, receipes, a box with a newly bought pencil, pencils and lipgloss, dog poo bags, under the mitten - my mobile phone, a book I borowed from Sandra and last a note book I've got from Ana with traces of chili truffel on it.
A person I know very little about but who always makes the most fascinating comments is Mansuetude, I'd like to see what's in her bag.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Same same but different

This is what they become. See them bigger >here and >here.

Here's a link to Jaq Chartier, some of the work remind me of the one in the book I got from Ana (about the picture tape, just follow this link).
You still have time to sign up for the mobile swap!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Almost like Christmas

I find it very hard to wait until I reach home, I often open the package just outside the postoffice :) This great package is from Ana (thank you, you're the best). I've also got a package from Lisa S and from Alyssa, but no photo of them, thank you! And a big Thank You to Amy for the signed book :) Thank you, you made a grey week much brighter.

How to get started as an illustrator, written by Nate Williams.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Shop update

Two new things in my "shop". The Hairy lady" teatowel and a screenprint.

Todays links:
It's raining and raining, it has even started to rain in! I could use a pair of these.

Monday, 14 January 2008


The devil is loosing his colours.

Thomas Allen, through Jo.
I wouldn't mind a week here.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Friday, 11 January 2008

Friday guest blogging

Last day of guest blogging. This day is mostly about Karin and her new shop. Before Christmas I took the train to Stockholm to visit Karin. It was two cold and sunny days. One day was just shopping and eating/drinking, the other day we spent in Karin’s new workplace/office/shop. It’s a fantastic place! It’s an old beautiful greenhouse. For me who love light I can’t think of anything better. You can say it is three rooms, one is for working, one smaller room for the office and the third room is the greenhouse for the shop. The shop is called Manos and the opening will be the 6th of march. Manos will offera selection of beautiful design and handmade objects from Sweden and abroad, and her own work of course. She’s also planning to open a webshop! I wonder how she will have time for everything :)
Karin will also have a gallery part in the greenhouse. The first to exhibit, march 27 to april 19, is Daniel Reynolds. The next show, april 24 to may 17, is a collaboration between Karin and me! So I don’t have time to write more, I have to start working ;) Good luck, Karin! (…and good luck Camilla)

Ok, I have time to give you a few links:-Anders Ruhwald-Thomas Bernstrand-Claude Schmitz

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Wednesday guest blogging

Today I've been blogging a little bit about Bibbi and Morran.

This morning Morran and I went to visit Bibbi Forsman’s ceramic studio for the first time. I’m talking and walking about Gothenburg, Sweden :) I knew Bibbi before, but since this blogging thing started we see each other more frequently and much easier. Her studio is located in this fantastic “artist area” called Konstepidemin, a former epidemic hospital, now studio space for about 150 professional artists. There is also several galleries and The Children’s Academy.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Softie collection

These are my softie collection. Want to know more? Go here - D*S guestblog.
A softie I'd like to be a part of my collection is one from Veronique LaFont.

The Last Iceberg, link from Joanna.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Design sponge guestblogger

Hello. This week I'll be the guestblogger at Design*Sponge. Wish me luck :)
This weekend, instead of preparing for beeing a guestblogger, I made two illustrations for the New York Times. So I thought I'd share some of the process at the guestblog later tomorrow.

Saturday, 5 January 2008

Friday, 4 January 2008

Oh sunny day

The sunny days are rare this time of the year, and when it is a sunny day you can't resist beeing a little bit more happy :) This is Morrans food containter.

Answers on common questions:
- I've got many questions about one of my plants, now the mystery is solved :) It's a Buddha Belly plant - Jatropha podagrica. Flaskfot på svenska.
- The lamp is designed by David Trubridge.
- Morran is a she, 9 years old, Danish/swedish Farmdog.
- The camera I use is a Ricoh Caplio GX100.

Thursday, 3 January 2008


Another re-used screenprint.
My calendars are sold out, I will not print any more of them.

Two children web-shops - Enfant Terrible and Little Fashion Gallery.
Posters in the city of Amsterdam.