Last day of
guest blogging. This day is mostly about
Karin and her new shop. Before Christmas I took the train to Stockholm to visit Karin. It was two cold and sunny days. One day was just shopping and eating/drinking, the other day we spent in Karin’s new
workplace/office/shop. It’s a fantastic place! It’s an old beautiful greenhouse. For me who love light I can’t think of anything better. You can say it is three rooms, one is for working, one smaller room for the office and the third room is the greenhouse for the shop. The shop is called Manos and the opening will be the 6th of march. Manos will offera selection of beautiful design and handmade objects from Sweden and abroad, and
her own work of course. She’s also planning to open a webshop! I wonder how she will have time for everything :)
Karin will also have a gallery part in the greenhouse. The first to exhibit, march 27 to april 19, is
Daniel Reynolds. The next show, april 24 to may 17, is a collaboration between Karin and me! So I don’t have time to write more, I have to start working ;) Good luck, Karin! (…and good luck Camilla)
this shop is beautiful!!!
Karins shop looks wonderful with the light filtering through the white blinds and from the outside in the low winter sunshine. I have really enjoyed reading your guest blog this week - such a nice variety of subjects and pictures and, of course, I re-visited Morran's Flickr set :o). I meant to comment on the polar bears and the 'homeless man' Illustrations earlier - so interesting to read about the process you go through to get an accepted result and how prestigious to be producing work for the New York Times!! I especially liked your coloured bear with tear. I hope you will be out enjoying the first snows with Morran at the weekend.
Hello from Hazeldog and me in a grey UK.
hello camilla, i have enjoyed your guess blogging so, so much!!!
I read all your posts as a guest blogger and enjoyed all of them, as much as I enjoy your own blog...only this time you wrote a bit more and that's another thing I enjoyed. Congratulations on your illustrations in The NYTimes! I liked very much your last post on paper, yoou know I love paper too, and around here it's so undervalued.
Härligt Camilla! Det har varit en fin vecka, mycket innehåll och mycket av dig. Ha det skönt i helgen!
Första semlan för säsongen? :)
Ditt samarbete med Karin Eriksson kommer bli toppen ser jag. Och det har varit väldigt kul med ditt gästspel som bloggare och att få läsa mer och DIG. :)
Hi Camilla. Your guess blog it's fantastic. I can wait to see your collaboration work with Karin. I'm doing some ceramic works too :)
My goodness, what a beautiful shop! I've long wanted a greenhouse or conservatory (or even a garden shed!) for my writing studio. That light is wonderful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing with us.
i want to hang out w/ you and sandra and karin and and and and !!!
Thankyou for an inspiring start to the New Year. Happy 2008!
i just stumbled upon your guest blog posts and I enjoyed all of them so much. I especially love your photos of the creatures in the forest...and that you take time out to enjoy delicious, perfectly made lattes, with hearts made of foam no less. Thank you for all your wonderfully inspiring posts!
What a perfect day, you have some great friends. I am so so looking forward to this collaberation, surpried it took this long. Will definitely be adding to my Karin collection. Great posts this week, listening to the National as we speak, thanks! x
Thank you for inviting us to visit all the interesting people, for all those nice words and your perfect blog!
thanks for featuring karin's studio space. i'm looking forward to your collaboration with her.
...i've enjoyed your guest blogging this past week! (all your pics makes me want to visit sweden!)
Camilla, you did such a great job guest blogging-everyday was interesting and fun-filled. So interesting when you took us through the illustration process...I've been revisiting some of them. Thanks again.
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