Most of you know about Henry Darger, but if you don't soon you will. Here's a trailer to the film In the Realms of the Unreal.
Jens Fänge a great swedish artist.
Nu på lördag kl 12–16, startar Konstepidemins julmarknad, konstutställning, sång och glögg.
See some pictures from the Christmas market at Konstepidemin here.
Lovely, lovely lovely!! I hope you will make a print of this one.
Also- my calendar has arrived! I can't wait for the new year so that I can use it...for now it is on the wall with the cover picture showing.
ooh! I *loved* the Henry Darger movie... so inspiring. :)
xoxo, penelope
I have heared about Henry's work before - it would be great to find more . Adore some work of Jens - thank you for sharing !
"In the Realms of the Unreal" is a really amazing documentary, crafted by a delightful filmaker. When I was a junior in high school she gave an assembly showing clips from a few of her other films, including one about the subculture of Civil War reenactors. I can't remember what it was called, but I highly recommend it.
I remember the first time I saw Henry Darger's work, I had picked up a random book in the art section of Cody's books in Berkeley. I couldn't believe what I saw. I was so weirdly fantastic. I need to see that movie.
Känner igen din känsla i ett tidigare inlägg, men jag är då inte trött på dig någonstans. :)
Hoppas du och familjen får en skön helg!
Fina bilder du är igång med! Kul att du länkar till julmarknaden, vi kanske ses, jag är där på lördag.
Has she killed the big bad woolf?
I hope she did :)
Love your comments!
If she has killed the big bad woolf, then I feel safer in m,y very being.
In literary criticism, it is important who would kill the woolf--she (you as her creator become a hero-ine) instead of the male character which usually rescues the fe,male. Has anyone ever re-written the little red riding hood as a story where the girl is actually empowered to do the ridding of the wolf, or is it still that she is rescued by another... the farmer with the axe? I don't remember. R U already doing this?
The title, don't look back has stuck with me today, I am thinking inside, what does it mean if we don't look back and acknowledge that the fearful thing IS decapitated... to see that we are safe, we can live. Don't we need to look!
This is so full of provoking wealth. Thanks/
hoppas det var värt att bli av med händerna!
mansuetude - but the titel is don't turn around, I feel there is a difference, isn't it (or is it just like that when you can't speak english good enough?)?
Sandra- det är priset man får betala (+försök själv klippa ut små händer får du se hur lätt det är ;)
Your English is perfect, its mine that gets sticky! Your right about the title, there is a good(subtle) difference.
I think Your title is excellent. THe open quality of it--that's why it has made me think. Because at first I don't want her to see (turn around)--then later in my day, your image just came back to me, I remembered the history of women not honoring their own inner truth (in writing theory this is important) and I think, no she has to turn around, she has to acknowledge she is powerful (and capable of doing things.)
Camilla your images often stick around my head like a cloud of wonderings...they are like poems, condensed offerings. I may only glance quickly at the blog, but later find myself thinking miles away over here, all about an image the way I would think about lines in a great poem. This particular image wrenched loose some things I studied that matter to me.
So glad to encounter your work! Last night, late watching "Chocolat" the opening scene is of a woman and girl in yes! Red riding hooded like coats walking up a stone cobbled hill. I thought, oh there it is again--that image is following me around all day. It was funny, a synchronicity. Thanks.
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