An old word for an old profession. It no longer means what it says, shoemender and keecopier would be more apropriate. At least that's how it is here in Sweden. Cold weather (with salt on the ground), rain and long walks eats my shoes. They don't live long in my company :)
one of the professions i considered in my youth... still do, sometimes.
min lillasyster frågade för en tid sedan varför det alltid är "klack- och nyckelbarer" som är grejen? vet du? varför hänger de två grejerna så ofta ihop? kopiera nyckel + laga sko, finns ngn logisk förklaring? nu kom frågan upp igen..
Sounds like very interesting occupations.
I've never heard of keecopier before but, interesting.
now I know what Key Master from Matrix was doing in a meantime.
i love breathing the smell in these kind of shops. and i love keys for all their symbolism and shoes for the journey.
It's all shoes and keys, and keys and shoes here too. I used to love calling in at Sam the Bootman's store with my Dad when I was little. Sam did a beautiful job and returned your shoes looking clean and nearer to new.
Snyggt... Jesus och alla nycklar. Och bootsen utan kropp. Jag ska inte analysera men konstatera att bilden är mångfacetterad. Och vacker
even better is the term 'cobbler' :-) this post reminds me of "The Elves and the Shoemaker' - a beautiful and magical fairy tale...
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