Monday, 28 November 2011

♥ Morran ♥

It started slowly in the beginning of the week. She wasn't as happy as usual to go on our walks. Just a small thing but noticable. Then she got fever and for everyday that went she become a little bit more ill. She was tired and was breathing very shallow, but I would say still in a good spirit. Had to bark at the postman and still wanted to play a little. The cancer in her lungs had grown much faster than expected. You know already what the next sentence is going to say so I will not write it...

♥ ♥ ♥


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nancy said...

she was an angel on earth, and is forevermore an angel in heaven.

nancy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris said...

Thank-you Camilla for sharing a little of your sweet Moran through the years. I think of you somewhere missing your dear girl and I am so sad for you.

Emily said...

Oh Camilla! My deepest heart goes out to you. So hard to lose such a dear friend.

Anonymous said...

I have been a huge fan of your blog and have followed your travels and adventures with Morran eagerly. My sister even purchased your print of Morran in the woods and gave it to me for Christmas. I will miss her and am so very sorry for your loss.

Anke said...

So so sorry for your loss.

rebecca said...

Oh Camilla, I am so sorry. I have had a little cry for Morran; your post is so moving. she couldn't have been any more loved by you and by her followers all over the world. Morran will be very fondly remembered.

Keep you head up. We are all thinking of you xx

Joana Grego said...

Camilla, I'm sad beyond words.

angelica said...

camilla im so sorry. i ve lost my dog, bebis last month. i know how it feels. my love.

Tove Entin said...

Finaste Morran Vila i frid. Camilla jag tänker på er.

Alexiev said...

Beatifull can...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations

Alexiev Store - venta de originales

@alexievg en twitter

fojee said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Morran was especially loved, I believe and many people including myself mourn with you.

Sónia said...

Dear Camilla,
I'm writting from Lisbon, Portugal. I'm following your blogue a long time now and I enjoy it very much. I just want to send you a big hug about Morgan. When I put my dog to sleep it was the most difficult decision in my life, but she was almost 18 years old and she could not eat or walk anymore, and she had to go... I just want to tell you that. I'm so sorry.
A hug from Lisbon

Heather said...

Oh I loved that little dog! Even though I never met her, she drew me into your blog world years ago. I'm so sorry for your loss. We are nursing a 14 year old dog ourselves at my house, hoping for a little more time with our beloved companion. It's so hard to lose them. No words for it, since it's relationship that exists beyond words, and without need for them.

liss said...

So sorry for your loss. Loved reading and seeing her adventures over the years. Hugs from Australia.

Anonymous said...

very sorry for you! you were lucky to have each other.

poulus said...

bye bye Morran. sleep well

renee anne said...

so sorry about Morran. sending love from Australia.

Anonymous said...

is it possibly to truly miss a little dog you've never even met? off course! you can :-((

all the best from hamburg, germany.

Cat said...

Camilla, I am so, so sorry to hear that Morran is no longer with us in body. In spirit, she will live forever in your heart. Thank you for sharing her with us--I know she was a beautiful and very special dog. Personally, I look forward to your book--i have so enjoyed all the Morran pictures friends from all over the world have been sending you. Tears are blinding my eyes so I will just say you are in my prayers.

Summer Allen said...

such a loss. i'm so terribly sorry, camilla.

Dawn said...


matilda said...

Hugs...a lot of hugs.
And now I'm hugging my lovely Biba.

v a l e r i a c i s said...

Ay Camila!! Que triste debés estar! llorá mucho. Un abrazo enorme!! De Facundo y mío...

Anonymous said...

I'm so, so sorry. I know it's very difficult to loose a friend like Morran. When my 17 year old cat died I felt endlessly sad for a long, long time, even knowing that she was ill and old and that I should be expecting it. I wish you the best. Be strong and carry on! Surely Morran had a very happy life with you :)

Ana Magalhães

arounna said...

so sorry to hear about your dear friend
morran will be dearly missed
much love

Isacile ▲ said...

I am so sad of you!! Many hugs

Anonymous said...

Hello - I lost my darling fur baby (black poodle) a year and a half ago. He has my little shadow always by by side making me smile. At first I couldn't stop crying. Every time I saw a dog I got upset. I felt the sadness would never leave me. Now that a bit of time has passed it just makes me smile to think of him. I hope this happened for you too.xxxxxxxx

TamV said...

I loved seeing her pictures. They always made me smile. I am so sorry for your loss. A dog is family. Please know that you have many people all over the world that are thinking of you and wishing you love. Rest in Peace, sweet Morran.

k said...

Camilla - I have been following your beautiful work for some time now, just lurking, not commenting, and I wanted to let you know how very sorry I am to hear this news. I loved Morran, like all her other fans out there, from a distance, and I send you a big long distance hug.

Unknown said...

Camilla, I've never commented before but I have to tell you how sorry I am! I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Love from Utah <3 Jenna

Gabriela said...

Sorry to hear this. He looked like a funny guy.
Take care,

FlockofTeaCosy said...

She was a lovely, lovely creature, Camilla. Thanks so much for sharing her life with us. Although it means we really share your sadness now too.

Christina said...

This breaks my heart. So sorry to hear of this. Thinking of you and Morran.

Anonymous said...

I am so so sorry.

I have been a lurker on your blog for several years now and I first stuck with you because of Morran. I've felt like leaving a comment before but today, when I read this -- well, I just want you to know how sad I feel.

They stay with us forever. They really do.

Teresa (from Portugal)

coelho said...

So sorry for your loss x

Valentina said...

This es the sadest news...she'll live in your heart forever and in owrs too. Good bye beautifull Morran

Natalie Jean said...

it was a privilege to be invited to Morran's special life , we're all thinking of her and your family at this time
best wishes

susanna said...


Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful Morran. Her sweet life adventures with you will always warm my heart. I've read your blog for 5yrs now and she always made me smile. Take care lovely Morran. Wishing you both much love xo Susanna from Sydney, Australia.

jothompson said...

So sorry Camilla, you must be heartbroken. It was your blog and posts about Morran that were the first blog I ever looked at.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

so sad.

Katerina FF

donna said...

i never comment, but i have always loved your morran.
sweet dreams little dog,
and love to you too camilla

Georgette said...

Oh Camilla,

The news broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

Morran softened and inspired a sense of magic in our hearts.

Thank you for sharing with us the beauty between you two.

Morran was perfectly yours, and alongside you, she inspired the world.

Much love and strength to you from New York.


dani said...

i am so sorry for your huge loss....morran was definitely one of a kind xx

studio Ninocka said...

I am so sorry for your loss :(
There is no friend like a dog friend.

Katrine said...

I'm sorry too. Thinking of you. I'm glad you shared her life with us, she seemed very special. Take care.

Anna said...

Love you, Morran. Love you, Camilla.

*weeping for her*

michelle said...

Hi Camilla -- I love your work, and I love Morran.

I just heard the news about Morran yesterday and it brought tears to my eyes and cheeks and eventually to my pillow. She has been such a trooper with you by her side.

A dog that has inspired and touched the world. Rest assured that Morran is in heaven. :)

warm hugs to you, Camilla. much love!

Débora said...

My heart is with you and Morran. Big hug Camilla.

Nantucket Mermaid said...

So so sorry.

iva said...

I’m so sorry :(
i always loved seeing photos of morran

Sandra said...

I'm sure she will be barking at all the postmen and playing all the time, wherever she is now.

I'm sending you all my love from Spain.
She will be missed.

Susan said...

So sorry. What a beautiful pup.

Catalina said...

I'm sorry. I know how sad this is. Have been there.


sosser said...

condolences. she will be missed but lives on in hearts and art. r i p

Helena said...

So sorry to hear this. I've only known Morran through this blog and she seemed like such a little gem! My deepest sympathies. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Camilla, how very sad for you, I am sad too. Morran was such a lovely and special dog, look how many of us she has touched. I am glad she had a happy and adventurous life with you, and I hope you are doing OK.

Leslie Rogers said...

My thoughts are with you.

MUS said...

Ah, so sad!! she will be missed.

Yasmin said...

I'm sorry.
I'll ask God in my prayers, do not forget Morran suffer.
I know he will fulfill the order.
Why Morran is also one of his beloved children.
yasmin mundaca

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that a little dog in Sweden, who I've never met, would make me smile as much as this one has, and feel such geniune sadness at her passing. Sending my deepest sympathy on the loss of your friend.

Sandra Monat said...

oh Camilla, I´m so sorry and sad. Sending good thoughts your way.

Carmen Encinas Pinturas said...

I am very sad for you. When a friend is not here with us we have the joy of sharing life with him. Morran always remember with a smile. Thanks Camilla, thanks Morran.

artfoodsoul said...

oh camilla -- i haven't been by in years probably but i so loved your Moran -- much like my beloved Joe who passed a bit over a year ago after 17 years with us -- i am so takes so long to get over such a loss...i still think of my sweet friend everyday...peace, light and joy to you this holiday season...xo

anne said...

Blessings. She loved you. :)

e. said...


Seni said...

I am so sorry for your loss, I didn't visit your blog for a while and today I did...and wasn't expecting it. Just after enjoying browsing the Morran book, a real piece of Art♥

Leza said...

Such a beautiful little soul. Thinking of you Morran

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I am just so sad and sorry for you. Truly sad news. xxx

Liane said...

i'm very sorry, camilla. so sorry.

christine and miles said...

I just found out about Morran's passing and I wanted to express my condolences to you. I have always been so touched by your love for Morran and can relate to that special kind of bond. I wrote a post on my blog today to help promote your book and pinned a link to my pinterest account. All the best to you Camilla!

Elif said...

Dear Camilla, I was afraid to check your blog for a while. I loved Morran very much. Remembering her in your bed, under the sheets. One of the most photogenic dogs I've ever seen. Now I'm crying for a dog that I haven't seen.
Good Bye lovely Morran!

Maureen said...

Hello Camilla,
I've been visiting your blog for many years now and I haven't visited for awhile. I kept looking for little Morran and had to keep going back to see the news. I loved visiting and seeing where you two would be traveling to and what you did that day. I lost my dog Alice about 2 yrs ago and I still miss her. Thank you for sharing your love and your heart. Peace to you and good luck in all your new endeavors. xo
Maureen Mckean

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