Monday, 28 November 2011

♥ Morran ♥

It started slowly in the beginning of the week. She wasn't as happy as usual to go on our walks. Just a small thing but noticable. Then she got fever and for everyday that went she become a little bit more ill. She was tired and was breathing very shallow, but I would say still in a good spirit. Had to bark at the postman and still wanted to play a little. The cancer in her lungs had grown much faster than expected. You know already what the next sentence is going to say so I will not write it...

♥ ♥ ♥


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valeda said...

camilla, i am so deeply sorry to hear this news. i have read your blog for many years and getting to know morran through your photos and words has truly been a joy. sending love to you.

rest in peace, sweet morran.

Sophie said...

I read this during lunch at heart just broke and I just wanted to cry :-( I'm already missing her...At least, you had a lovely life toghether and Morran will stay in our heart forever :-)

Sophie said...

I read this during lunch at heart just broke and I just wanted to cry :-( I'm already missing her...At least, you had a lovely life toghether and Morran will stay in our heart forever :-)

penelope said...

So sorry, Camilla... Sending love and peace...

jay ryan said...

i am sorry to hear of her passing, but morran was such a successful dog - she had many adventures and many friends. you provided her with as good a home as any dog could hope for, and gave her opportunities and adventures that few dogs ever get. people will know of brave morran for years to come.

shari said...

so very sorry for your loss, camilla. xox

pom. said...

much love. this is very very sad to read. very sorry for the loss of your family member.

Lizette said...

lots of love.....

erin power said...

i am crying for morran, and for you, sweet camilla. i'm so sorry for your loss. xoxo

Jennifer Davis Art said...

My heart is breaking. All the best to you, Camilla! xo

Lisen said...

åh, det gör så ont :( kram!

Inge said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Camilla.
From your blog, she seemed like an incredibly special little creature and a true friend.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry...Morran is a part of our heart since I discovered your art a few years ago...Receive a big hug from us, my little daughter, my husband and I, from a little corner of Majorca, Spain...Descansa en paz, querida Morran ♥ Always in our thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Fina Morran!

heather said...

Thinking of you! We lost our dear Redd Dog this summer and we are still missing her. It does get better…sending you love and well wishes.

FiveAlarm AssHat said...

so much love to you, Camilla.

dianna said...

Tears and love from Vermont. Morran was the very best. A warm hug to you.

michelle said...

i'm so very sorry to hear. best wishes to you.

CUKA said...

I'm so sorry!. Big hugs

Karen Barbé said...

Since I read about Morran's departure this morning, I've been thinking about you both all day. I'm so sorry Camilla.

Jenna said...

oh camilla, i can't express to you how sorry i am to hear this. watching everyone adore morran over the years through your blog, it's as if we've come to know her and love her too, and i can only imagine what this is like for you. keeping you in my thoughts!

Linn said...

Å :( Beklagar förlusten!

k.f.r. said...


riye said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry. She will be missed by many people, including her fans here in Hawaii.

Sending caring thoughts to you and your family (and much aloha).

Anonymous said...

Ah, so sad. Losing a beloved pet is devastating. If Morran had half the life depicted in pictures, he was a very beloved dog indeed.

Prudence said...

oh Camilla, my thoughts are with you. loosing such a good friend is a terrible thing.
much love

fougougou said...

She had a wonderful life with you...
I send you my warmest hugs.

marie-louise said...

Min allra varmaste kram till dig Camilla:)

Lorena said...

I´m sorry Camilla...
A big, big hug.

jimmer said...

Sadness, sadness--how bright she was!

Viola said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, she looks like she was a lovely little dog... xxx Viola

Amy Rowan said...

My heart is so heavy for you. Sending love and strength. How lucky you two were to have had each other. Much love. xoxoxox Amy

anja mulder said...

So sad, take care, big hug!

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Such a beautiful and noble face she had!
I am so sorry to hear this news Camilla and I will pray that you have peace this day. I know precious Morran is with the angels today chasing a postman!
Tina xo

Debaru said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Even though I never met sweet little Morran in person, I felt I knew her through your photographs and art. She touched my life in a very special way and I will miss her presence.

Susan Magnolia said...

Sending love from Berkeley, CA to Gothenberg, Sweden.

lilie-melo said...

Dear Camilla, it's so sad.
Think about the happy life she had at your side and at all the happy time she gave you. she's still living in your heart and forever.
Many thoughts to you !

freckleface said...

How heartbreaking. I'm so very sorry for you.

alix said...

much love to you and your sweet pup. that's the hardest thing in the world.


frecklewonder said...

my heart just sunk right down to my feet and my eyes filled with tears.

camilla, thank you for sharing morran with all of us for all these years. she will be forever missed.

sending you love from virginia.

Elaina said...

So, so sorry to hear about Morran. She seemed like the sweetest dog. <3

lpk said...

I am so, so sorry. Morran will be missed all over the world. It made me and countless others very happy to be part of her life even if it was only through pictures. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Karin said...

fina morran, skickar stor varm kram till er som är kvar.

Susanna said...

I'm so so sorry for you Camilla. I wish you strength.

Alicia A. said...

I am so sorry.

Unknown said...

I am very sorry for your loss...
My thoughts are with you

Kim said...

So sorry Camilla. She'll be shining in the night time stars. I'll be looking tonight.

daphne said...

wordless ~ x

Petra said...

Tack för att du delat med dig av så många fina stunder av morans liv, det gör mig ledsen att läsa ditt inlägg, hon kommer att vara saknad av många, kan inte ens föreställa mig din saknad.
/ petra

Kelly Kilmer said...

I am so sorry. The loss of a fur always hurts. Their love leaves such an imprint on us. Hugs.

Inspiration from letters said...

Tack för att vi har fått dela Morran med dig.
Take care.

Kaylovesvintage said...

oh the house must be so empty
thinking about you

Christina M said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Know that Morran brought a lot of joy to those of us following your blog.

Alicia said...

Rest in peace, sweet girl.

melissa loves said...

Oh gosh...I am so, SO sorry. I know how much pain you must be in and I am so sorry you lost her. Sending you hugs and peace.

Stacey said...

So very sad for your loss. Morran and I share a birthday.

Becca said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I've been reading your blog for a very long time and Morran was always my favorite part. She seemed like such a charming and precious girl, and she will be missed.

Lotte said...

Åhhh, nej!!!

Kære Camilla.......
Jeg har ingen ord, der kan trøste nok...
Det gør mig så ondt....kun tiden hjælper...

Peace & Love...Morran...

Mine tanker går til dig/jer...

Rigel said...

So heart wrenching when the time comes for them to run on ahead of us. How I wish it wasn't part of the deal. What a joyful life you gave her, and thank you, Camilla for sharing her with us. Peace and love to you dear Morran.

Alice Q. Foodie said...

I am so sorry, we lost our beloved dog this weekend too! xoxox

famapa said...

åh camilla & ingvar, så ledsamt att läsa det här. jag kan inte inbilla mig hur det känns, men jag brister igråt ibland när jag tänker att vår katt inte har många år kvar. tänk att de lilla fyrbenta kan bo in sig så i våra hjärtan. kram på er.

bugheart said...

a million
tears for
to you
tough time.

Megan said...

oh no!! i am so sorry!!!

amy k. said...

I am so sorry. I am sending love to you-

my hyggelig said...

This is all I can do, I hope it is okay. Thank you Morran. Camilla, you know you do not grieve alone.

kristina said...

kära camilla - så sorgligt! jag tänker på dig. kram! said...

Hej då, lilla M.

sheila said...

So sorry to hear about Morran. It's so hard to lose such a wonderful friend. She had such a happy life with you - it shone out through her eyes in all your many beautiful photos. Now I'm crying too....

maria said...

I'm so sorry to hear Camilla. My heart hurts for you. I'm glad that you had her in your life. I loved watching her on your blog.

maria said...

camilla, I was so sorry to read this just now (it is morning in sydney). She was such a special dog also that I have never met her I can see that she was the best companion. she will be soo missed

Helen Musselwhite said...

Thinking of you Camilla.
Sweet doggy dreams Morran x

Jaclyn Lockhart said...

She may have gone but her heart stays behind with you like a lovely ghost.

Thank you for sharing her with us.

jenny b harris said...

Oh no... sending hugs. We will miss Morran's happy spirit.

Anonymous said...

Peace to you sweet Morran who shared much in life. Camilla and family..thank you for sharing Morran with so many of us near and far. I am sorry for your loss as I know your heart breaks missing a very important member of your family.

Denita Purser
Garner, NC

Isabelle said...

Camilla, I am very sad to hear the bad news about Morran. She is surely is in dog heaven now if there is one.

MWM said...

so sorry for your loss Camilla.
Thinking of you. xoxo

danamite said...

She will live on in all our hearts <3

Kathleen Furey said...

Sad news. Best wishes. Kathleen

Evie said...

big hugs xx
my heart goes out to you.

Jan Halvarson said...

So sad. : (
Sorry to hear, I wasn't expecting it so soon. He was the perfect sidekick, wingman, and best friend for you I'm sure. We will all miss Morran.
Big hugs from Canada.

alyssa said...

Dear Camilla,

I'm so sorry to read your sad news. I haven't been checking blogs for some time, but the other day I was thinking of sweet Morran, and so today I thought I would check in. Needless, to say I was not expecting to read the sad news. She traveled to so many places, both virtual and real. She'll always be in many hearts.

Unknown said...

big hugs, no words

belinda marshall said...

so sad. you gave her a beautiful life xx

Lisa said...

Oh Camilla, Even though Morran's spirit will live in your heart forever I am deeply sorry for your loss. Much love to you across the sea.

Angela M. Corti said...

Oh Dear Camilla, we will all have Morran in our hearts forever! Love Love Love for you!

Michelle said...

Please take care of yourself. My heart reaches out to you and Morran.

K said...

Oh no, her beautiful little face will be missed by so many. I'm so so sorry.

Clamjamphrie: said...

I'm shedding a tear for a beautiful blog dog I've never even met so I can't imagine how you're feeling. Her book will be a fitting tribute. Lots of love from across the water in Scotland.

Jennifer said...

Oh, poor sweet, beautiful Morran... She will be missed by oh so many of us who never even met her. I am so sorry, Camilla. xo <3

Maggie said...

Oh Camilla, I am so sorry. Even though of course I never met Morran, I so loved seeing your photos of her and reading the stories you would tell. She seemed like an amazing dog. I know what it is like to lose a beloved companion like this, so I send warm and healing thoughts your way.

holly aka golly said...

Dear Camilla, I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so sad to lose such a sweet little member of your family. Your Morran will be remembered forever in all of the sweet moments and beautiful pictures that you have shared with all of us. xo, holly

claudia.medeiros said...

♥:-( ♥

Nadja Czarnota said...

I am so sorry! Our Willie had lung cancer and it all went just as fast ... VERY hard!
"For every dog an angel" is a great book and "Dog Heaven" - both books helped us cope.
I am so sorry!

Kerstin Svendsen said...

å nej. Jag är jätte ledsen camilla. skickar stora kramar. Så klart har hon haft ett underbar liv med er—det bästa. ox.

amy t. said...

oh morran. thank you camilla for sharing such a lovely spirit

טלי said...

Dear Camilla,

I am so sorry for the loss of Morran. I was deeply touched by your deep mutual love, and by her unique personality.

Here's a post I wrote on my Blog some months ago:

Morran will live in your heart forever, she won't beforgotten.


Leah said...

Goodbye sweet Morran, you will be missed so much.

Luisa said...

So sorry to hear this news -- my eyes are filled with tears. Sweet dreams, dear Morran! And hugs to Camilla from your faithful readers in California --


~gloria said...

i'm so sorry for your loss.. i loved your lil dog from afar.. thanks for sharing her with us.. my heartfelt condolences..

emdot said...

I have tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry. And I mourn the passing of such a sweet little dog. I read in one of your blog posts that you and Morran spent almost every hour together since you found each other. That really touched me. She was a really lucky dog. Not all dogs are so lucky. Thank you, also, for sharing her with us. It has always been a pleasure to see photos of her. I will miss her very much.

ilana kohn said...

i lost my childhood pup to cancer over the summer and it was the hardest thing. morran was such an amazing pup and i'm sure she had the best life a pup could ever want with you.

auprès de mon arbre said...

Lots of thoughts for you.

wiebke said...

oh no, and now i am sitting here sharing a tear for morran. such a sweet dog. all my thoughts go out to you in this sad moment, be strong and always remember that she's never gone for good.

Brita Frost said...

Oh reading this made me cry. I am so sorry. Such a beautiful and inspiring little dog.

mia said...

I am so sad and sorry for your loss, your lovely little friend was adored from afar by many people.

sara. said...

Finaste Morran. Vilken underbar hund och vilket fantastiskt liv hon haft med dig. Tack för att vi har fått vara med på ett hörn. Kram

fanja said...

I am so sorry Camilla, Morran was part of our lives too, she will be missed. sending you lots of hugs x

Anonymous said...

Je suis désolée...!

migueltanco said...

i'm really sorry...

big hug

clear said...

I will miss her. Thank you for sharing her with us. Clear

Frau Haselmayer said...

Goodbye, sweet Morran :(


marelle de verre said...

We won't forget you Morran...I am really sorry...

helena zália said...

a big hug to you!

esup said...

I'm so sorry Camilla.

Cecilie said...

Åh, så trist...
Tenker på dere. :) Klem

Anonymous said...

i think morran was your best were so lucky with her.
and both of you were lucky to have each other.
keep your heart open camilla for new dog or cat.
i share your grief even i dint know her but through your if i did.


Marion Pannekoek said...

So very sorry...I wish you all the strength you will need these days...

But I know he had a very happy life with you!

Rosario Solis said...

I always follow your dog's story. Sorry for your loss. Take care, she will be happy in heaven.

Liv said...

Vad tomt det kommer bli. Jag hoppas att hon hoppar runt med små skutt i sin hundhimmel och att du har nån som är bra på att trösta.


Sébastien Haton said...

Lots of love from us. We do understand how sad you are. Lots of love again...
Sébastien h.

Lisa said...

I haven't checked in on the blog for a while so didn't know Morran was sick. I just thought of her this morning, so came to see what her latest adventures were.

So sad for you Camilla, Morran was a beautiful little soul and brought much happiness to people around the world. My sister and I would often coo over pictures of her and talk about what a gorgeous, clever dog she was. I have red eyes and a lump in my throat thinking of her now.

Sending you lots of kindness and love from Ireland.

Leen’s said...

I'm so sorry Camilla, I wish you a lot of strength!

Helena said...

These are bad and sad news. Little sweet Morran. I'm with you Camilla and be strong! Love from Lisbon!

cynthia newman said...

We are so sad to hear this news. We loved Morran and loved to see her photos. Much love and hugs to you.
Pippa & Cynthia

Andrea said...

Good bye sweet Morran, Camila so soooo sorry, lots of love for you and your family

Emily said...

I am so sorry to hear about your little woof. I have loved hearing your stories and seeing photos (and paintings) over the years. She was my favorite web puppy. <3

Gina said...

Sad :(

FRIZZ said...

hugs to you!!

emma said...

å nej.
ånej ånej ånej.

jag säger inget mer heller. jag vet hur ont det gör.


Anonymous said...

Å, så trist. Jeg har jo fulgt deg og Morran så lenge. En nydelig hund med så mye personlighet. Stor og god klem fra Karoline

Deborah said...

I too know this. Old Ginger, the same colors as Morran. Ah.... a friend to all...

linn said...

jätteledsen för er förlust. även om jag inte kände morran personligen så kommer jag komma ihåg henne, hon verkar ha varit en jättejättefin hund.
ta hand om er.

Betsy4Arts said...

Oh my, can't hardly write through my tears. Such a sweet little soul who captured hearts around the world. Thank you so much for sharing her with us.

Bethany said...

I'm so sorry. I lost my cat last week too and I think I'm just as grieved about Morran because I knew how much she was a part of you. Sending a hug!

Uncle Beefy said...

I am so, so sorry and heartbroken for you, Camilla! Morran brought so much light to so many people and I know we are all grateful for you sharing the life she shared with you. You have both brought brightness to our daily lives and I know we all send our love and thoughts to you during this dark time. Big hugs.

Anonymous said...

(((HUgs))) Camillia.

I lost my little cat, Pearl, in October and it broke my heart. I had her for 18 years. She also slowly declined and then had a very quick turn for the worst.

It gets better each day but I still cry when I think of her.

I'm so sorry.

gunter said...

I'm so terribly sorry.
It is horrible to lose family.

Anonymous said...

I have follow Morran on web since the beginning and I will miss here to. I feel sad for you. Morran was a most lovely Morran.

blair/wise craft said...

I am so sorry Camilla. There is a special place for companions like Morran.

Diana Rogers said...


I am so terribly sorry to hear this. My heart is breaking for you. Thank you for sharing her with us & letting your sweet girl become a part of so many lives. I know I am one of many who will miss Miss Morran even though I never met her.

You are in my thoughts,


Anonymous said...

Morran! Kommer att sakna dig! Så, så tråkigt att läsa... / Anna

jb said...

Oh, Camilla, I am so, so sorry. Morran was so loved, and we were so lucky to know her. She will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

choco said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now, only left a few words very rarely, but Morran is definitely part of the soul of this blog and I feel she's familiar to me.

I'm sorry for you. Take care. It seems she had a beautiful life.

Anonymous said...

Have a nice trip, dear little Morran. We are so sad for you. Camilla I'm thinking of you very very strong.

véronique laFont said...

Camilla, I'm really very sad for you. I understand your feeling because I have dogs.
With you Morran's life has been wonderful.

carina said...

Det gør mig så ondt. Pas på dig selv.

Anonymous said...

so sorry for you and morran, a hugh for morran!

BugnLVoe said...

:-( I am so sorry. :-(

Reneé Leigh Stephenson said...

my heart breaks for your loss...morran is running free and is at peace.
may peace come to you soon.

Marisa and Creative Thursday said...

Oh Camilla. I'm so sorry. I saw this photo come up on my blog reader and did not want to click on it for fear that it might be this post. I lost my Lulu, a great dane, a couple of years ago ~ so I know all too well what these days must be like. Words cannot even begin to express much of anything that feels right to share or offer. For having never met a little dog half a world away, I feel like so many here ~ like I knew her somehow. The online world is amazing this way. And I hope that all of the love being sent your way is providing some comfort. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Hyena In Petticoats said...

Camilla, I am so sorry. I hope all the beautiful comments you have received here are doing something to ease the pain for you....

Morran will be missed by all your readers, but we will remember her fondly - she was such a constant presence on your blog, peeking out of corners, and looking over her shoulder at the camera....

Please take care of yourself, and I hope you can begin to feel less sad soon..... we will still be here when you get back...

Lots of love,

Leah x

peg nocciolino said...

h e a r t b r o k e n...
Morran is an angel now
hugs for you Camilla...

Nily said...

oh no lil' morran...
sleep well sweetie...

Anonymous said...

I lost my furry other half six weeks ago -

My heart goes to you as the next months will be hard. No little click click click on the floor boards or hair everywhere.

sending you so much support and love,


laura tj said...

sad sad news, i'm so sorry to hear your loss, morran is like our little furry friend close to our heart eventho we've never met her :( she'll be missed around the world. big hugs.

alice said...

so sorry to hear this, Camilla :( Morran and you have touched so many lives. Hope she rest in peace.

Christine Clemmensen said...

I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts go out to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh it’s so sad, I was too upset to comment, when I first read this post last night.

I just wanted to say I am very sorry for your loss.

I felt I knew Morran just from your photographs: for me she exuded an enduring spirit of curiosity and wonderment.
Its good to know that this remained until the end.

Anonymous said...

♥ ♥ ♥

melanie said...

She is in dogheaven, I always loved the post about her so much!
Special little dog...

Margie Oomen said...

he will live on in all of our hearts
love from all of us here

ana ventura said...

A very strong hug from us.
Morran will be always the most famous funny and sweet dog.

phoebe marie said...

i have followed your blog for ages and never commented before.
must say today, though, that i am so sorry for you.
i am fighting cancer myself at the moment. and i think i cried more for morran just now than i have for myself.
love to you all.
phoebe marie

Lisa said...

A warm goodbye to little Morran, a big hug to you...

didi said...

i am so sorry camilla. thank you for sharing morran with us.
good bye morran. you filled lots of lives with your cuteness. thank you for sharing, for being. we will miss you.

Wenke Mast said...

Friends can never be replaced. That is why losing them always hurts so bad. I am sorry for your loss...

Mrs.Bertimus said...

Dear Camilla, I am so sorry, we have never met but I feel that I know you and Morran so well.
I am sending you my heartfelt wishes, I just wish that I knew what to say.....x

Katell N (Les Champs Libres) said...

soory for you and for her. :-(

Anna said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this, Camilla. Morran and the adventures you had with her made me dream about someday having a little dog. Now I do, so Henny and I thank you and Morran. She will always be remembered.

mano said...

I'm so sorry, it's a big loss!
I'm thinking with you, dear camilla.

Oficio said...

I am very sorry, Camilla. I send you and your husband my love. She will certainly be remembered by many people like me.

CherryNeko said...


danielle said...

i am so, so sorry. it's beyond hard to say goodbye to these little animals that are such a huge part of our lives. lots of love to you.

Manja said...

Loosing a family member is a great loss. My thoughts are with you Camilla.

Kim Carney said...

My heart is breaking for you (for us)

Annie Patterson said...

Sweet Morran! Thank you for sharing her with us on your blog.

Tais said...

oh, i'm so sorry. i really loved her, although i never met her. she will me missed. i'm really touched. all the love from brazil

Ruthie Ruth said...

That is another beautiful picture of her. Oh Camilla I'm so so sorry for your loss. Morran was an incredible dog. I've been following your blog for several years and as a dog owner myself I know how it feels to lose such an amazing member of the family. I hope you find comfort in knowing that she had a great life with you and that she was very loved all around the world. She's in dog's heaven, no doubt about it. Sending much love to you from Madrid, Spain. xoxox

E said...

Oh goodness... I'm so sorry :( What a wonderful little animal that I so loved to see the adventures you two had in store.

Reyva Franco said...

Camilla, thank you for share always with us the beautiful friendship you have with sweet Morran. I'm sorry for your loss... Hugs from Caracas

Anonymous said...

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there. I did not die.

katie said...

Oh, no--I am so very sorry.

Cheryl D said...

I really don't think I will ever forget her, from all of your lovely photos and paintings. So sad for you, but happy for the nice life you obviously gave her. Take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I wrote a poem but was so upset I didn't say anything personel to/for you. After a 'good' cry i am having a beer for you is Namaste menaing the spirit in me recognizes and celebrates the spirit in you.
She was such a celebrity and we will all miss her. Thankyou for the wonderful care you gave her.

Sara said...

I just turned the page to December in your 2011 calender. A wonderful remembrance of Morran for the whole month.
much love!

alchemilla said...

I am so sorry....but she led a wonderful life, for all the love, good food, art, culture, chance to travel you gave to her.
I will miss her so much, like I miss all my dogs who had a similar end.
Love to you and your family!

tanïa said...

So so sad news, Camilla, had tears in my eyes when reading that post. I'm thrown back to the days when I had to kiss two dogs goodbye, it hurt so very much and sometimes still does when memories come back.
Through your blogposts and artwork it was very easy to recognize what a dream team you two had been, I think Morran's life was paradise on earth, maybe now it's earth in paradise, who knows?
Always remember: she was so much loved and cared and had a long life full of dog's pleasures. So many other dogs don't have that luck. She was unique! And though I never met her in person I will never forget her, that's for sure.

Hug you!

Sivani said...

So sorry to hear it. Just know that Morran has been loved here in Switzerland. With love, Sivani

Anonymous said...

I´ve been reading the blog for some years just because of Morran, but never left any comment. So sad. Love! <3

Unknown said...

oh now, how sad!
R.I.P. Morran!

Anonymous said...

I cried when I read this. Have a safe journey beautiful Morran, sweet dreams xo
Jodi xo

Cynthia Cusick said...

Lost a friend myself earlier this year so I know how it is. Rainbow Bridge. Condolences.

j said...

I am so very sorry...

ElisabethAndrée said...

Huge XXOO to you.

Emma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Å lilla Morran...
/ Rammflickan

chocochips said...

so so sorry camilla

Anonymous said...

Camilla, I'm so sorry for you loss. I really don't know what to say - it's just too sad. Biggest hugs and love and know you always have a place to stay with us.

claire & michael
isla & maisie

Amelia Herbertson said...

I am so sorry Camilla. I have loved hearing about Morran over the years that I have been reading your blog. She was such a sweet little thing and I am so sad to hear this news. She will be greatly missed. My thoughts are with you. x

jen said...

she was a wonderful friend to us all. she will be missed. xo

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