I'm working on another children book for Topipittori (here is the last book - Too Late/Troppo Tardi). The one I'm working on now is, very briefly, about a book and all the fantastic things that can emerge within a book and it's story.
Take a look at these fun paint brush coat hooks, found through Zickermans.
very nice!
especially since Morran is also in the book...
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oh, this looks very nice, even as your other book!
absolutely charming!
Lovely - looking forward to see it!
Topipittori is producing wonderful books.
Only one word can be said: GREAT!
Oh I can't wait to see the finished book
I love the illustrations, the child is very funny. And Morran is very well.
heart and thoughts go out to you about morran, hoping for the best. lovely new book illustrations!
We love "Troppo Tardi", looking forward to you new book. (I won't tell Anita, my daughter who is a big fan of Morran, about what your little friend is going through, she will be very sad about it, even if she never met her in "person").
Warm thoughts to you and sweet Morran.
Too Late is one of our favourite books too. These illustrations are beautiful - can't wait to see the completed book.
that's great, Camilla. I happened to read "Too late" to children and parents while walking through a nice Italian wood, for one of the readings I usually do as a librarian. It was fantastic to dance the too late dance around a woden table, and then watch the kids leaning their heads on your illustrations. Let's wait for the new book, ciao, ale riccio
I am glad you are making children books!! They look so beautiful! I hope I can get them in Spanish soon...
Best wishes, dear Camilla
Hello, I'm so happy to hear that you like the Troppo Tardi! I hope you will like the next one too.
Fint det ser ut!
Men inte på svenska?
Inte på svenska tyvärr. Italienska, Franska, Koreanska och Polska :) Sverige har lite svårt för den poetiska touchen i storyn.
amazing illos! x
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