Sunday, 13 June 2010


Meet me, Morran and Gothenburg - read a bit more about it here.


Irene said...

i'd love to visit you and morran there, camilla. it's a little bit too far from vienna :)

Léonie said...

Camilla Engman said...

Angela, who is organizing the workshop is from Canada, so comparing to that Vienna is nextdoors :)

heather smith jones said...

What a lucky ten people those will be who get to take your workshop! Sounds wonderful Camilla, congrats!

Anonymous said...


The whole trip sounds wonderful! For these reasons! I love your art! Morran is cute. Goteborg is such a beautiful place! And to "ficka" there would be extra special. To far to travel this year but, maybe someday!

Tilda B. Hervé said...

sounds perfect!

Sébastien Haton said...

Very interesting kind of vacations. Congratulations.

Angela Ritchie said...

Just to let everyone know - there are four spots left for the workshop with Camilla. Some of the participants attending are coming from Germany, the United States, Belgium, Norway and Austria. It's going to be fantastic - Can't wait - and everyone is very excited to attend.

Amanda Baeza said...

I would like (so much) to be able to take part in this workshop...

Bárbara said...

Wish I could take part on this workshop!!!
btw those pictures are lovely, i like the third one a lot

;) babs said...

I'm coming!!!

barbara (from vienna)

Unknown said...

I would love to...but must work. Maybe could just pass to visit.

Georgina said...

I was reading about the workshop.... god!!!! I'd LOVE to be there!!!!

Nechepurenka said...

O MY!!! I want to go there)

johanna Gustafsson said...

Getting really inspired by your photos and art, good job!

Unknown said...

Love your recent photos, especially the brushes shot which has the cute little person mobile thingy which makes it for me!...

lola said...

where is it possible to see the price and number of places available for this workshop ?

thanks !!

lola said...

oops, i found it !
did not look very well ! :)

sadly it is a bit expensive for me...
i would have looooove to come...
but not rich enough yet !

Anonymous said...


susan said...

hi! are there still spots available to the workshop? and is there an itinerary? i couldnt see one on the website but maybe im just missing it? susan

Camilla Engman said...

Hi Susan, there is still two spots available. Angela Ritchie (who is organizing it all) is out travelling and is a little slow on updating her site. But I'm sure she'll send you the itinerary if you ask :)

susan said...

Tack Camilla! Will do that. :)