I've got Vorrei avere (maybe something like "I wish I had"?), a new book from Topipittori, in my hands. Written by Giovanna Zoboli and illustrated by Simona Mulazzani. As all their books it is beautiful. An extra plus for the sketches in the end of the book.
Paolo from Topipittori says - "If anyone is going to Bologna, for the Children's BookFair, the original illustrations will be on exhibition in Vignola, at Libreria Castello di Carta, half an hour by train from Bologna station, with the bonus of a marvellous Renaissance castle, the most famous elliptical stairway in the world, and all the sweetness of Torta Barozzi" - I can testify that the torta is very tasty :-)
I wish I could check what the book is about. The illos are fantastic.
'Vorrei Avere' means 'I would like to have' A beautiful book though by the looks of it.
Wow! Looks very beautiful indeed!
It certainly looks stunning!
Ahhh very cute these illustrations. Visite my blog if you want!.Kisses!
Had the bunny Easter book growing up.
Fantastic gem made my imagination fo wild!
Thank you for always sharing wonderful things. Here is one for you, created by a parent at the school I work at--I think you might like her work:
i adore these, thank you
they make me so happy
good morning, dear camilla
i wish you a very nice day
I love that the bunny is hopping next to all those cars!
topi pittori is a very good book editor -
I also suggest you to meet this other one: orecchio acerbo (on the website you can also download pdf of most of the books)
(ciao morran*)
I have the Spanish version, published by "Los cuatro azules". It is so beautiful... :_)
Awesome !
What a beautiful book, I'll have to try and get my hands on a copy!
@ Teresa:
it shouldn't be difficult for you to get your hands on a copy. The book is for sale in France (Editions Sarbacane), Germany (Peter Hammer Verlag), Spain (Los cuatro azules), Mexico (Tecolote) and Korea (Moon Won).
Topipittori will have the web store open soon (end of march, hopefully)
If anyone is going to Bologna, for the Children's BookFair, the original illustrations will be on exhibition in Vignola, at Libreria Castello di Carta (http://www.castellodicarta.it/), half an hour by train from Bologna station, with the bonus of a marvellous Renaissance castle, the most famous elliptical stairway in the world, and all the sweetness of Torta Barozzi
Is that a sort of comix? (the last picture)
I am sorry for my bad english, i am french.
Any way it is wonderfull.
so beautiful! thank you for sharing! xoxo, juliette
Such illustrations! Here's to one day making it across to the BookFair and trying the torta.
I'm agree with you, I know it, because i work for a publisher in France and the book will arrive in the book shop in april. It's just incredible...
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