I've sent all material to Topipittori for the book about Richard (remember my struggle to find him?), so now it is just to keep the fingers crossed for everything to turn out well. These are two of his friends.
The Uppercase magazine sure is a good magazine!! I hope they will find an european distributor.
Alexandra has started a new interview series, Art as Business. The first one to answer her questions is Gracia.
oh my what a lovely print of yours..and the magazine looks amazing too...great illustrations
Loving the bear and the cat on the bicycle.
I love the bear and kitty! Aww cute! Love your illustrations! Good luck with the magazine!
oh i love richard!
where has the baby and the basket for the bicycle gone? Well, looks like the cat knows a bit more about riding a bike.
Keep us posted about the book. I will buy one even if I can't read a word just to see your illustrations. :)
Keeping my fingers crossed for good measure.
(I was most flattered to be asked these questions by Alexandra. As I may already mentioned, it was a highly enjoyable challenge. Happy to play a part in her Art as Business series.)
Thanks for all, beautifully interesting!
Just love the bear illustration. They look like they are having fun.
I need to check out Uppercase magazine, I've heard a lot about it.
ja, det är synd att det skall vara så dyrt att beställa dem från Kanada - annars hade jag nog gjort det.
skall bli kul att se barnboken!
I've been teetering on the brink of getting an Uppercase subscription. I think I just caved in!
Your blog is cheering me up today Camilla.xxx
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