So, it's already friday. Monday and tuesday feels like the beginning of a long week, thursday and friday the end, that leaves wednesday - wednesday is the week. No wonder a week goes by fast. The weekend doesn't count :) But have a good one, nevertheless.
Dipsticks (the humans) by Nick van Woert
Have a good weekend too!!
And i'm curious if these paper friends of yours are going to meet in the future, or soon some day!
Ser intressant och fint ut!
nice blog, amazing works!
great characters!! so funny! I loved the first one.
nice weekend to u!!
Lovely friend you have, and that what you wrote about the week is just perfect!
very nice texture..have a nice weekend!
sweet post:)
I love your work so much that I've tagged you onmy blog...
the game is 7 blogs and 7 words.
Have a great weekend too!
I hope you wont mind that without prior notice I quoted you on my blog as what you wrote about the week was exactly how I felt when I read your post...(links and name is added of course)
oh he's so cute!
I know the feeling about wandering where time went. I often feel that I have pleeeenty of time, and next thing I know...I'm late!
I guess we need to enjoy every moment and not overexpect.
Have a lovely loooooooong weekend :-)
Hej Camilla,jag måste bara säga att jag gillar verkligen dina verk,du är en inspiration.
Ha det fint / Petra
hello my friend.
bon weekend to you!
camilla i received my calendar so quickly thank you! I love it!!!!!!!
Hello my blog friends :) thank you so much for your comments!
I love the phrase - it's one of the things I kept hearing all the time throughout my trips around Turkey and Syria. Ah, all the friends I had... :)
Love your blog and your handwriting.
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