I got my own photo/screenprints from Maria today! I've made the drawing and she has screenprinted it over her photos. If you want your own go (surf) to the Port2port press shop.
I love them both, of course, but one a little bit more, which one do you think?
the bottom one, with the bear :)
The bear.
the bear :-)
Hmm, I like the first. More city feeling in it...
these are rad!
the bottom one! I love the trees in the clouds.
hmmm. if it is the bear then we are even because i think i love the cat a *little* bit more. i hope you enjoy your prints. much love, mav
jag gilla den första bäst. Den ser lite ledsen ut och det verkar verkligen som om den tittar på ballongerna. Ja, fotot och den screentryckta teckningen samverkar bäst här.
I prefer the bear! Really love that one :-)
Hmmm. I have to say I'm a little more partial to City Cat. Both are great, but City Cat is calling my name.
Ok, I'll tell you - the first one, the cat! I think he is "grounded" sort of heavy, and I like that. And I like the house on the lightpole and of course the houses on its head. Sort of reminds me of a story from my childhood. Dunderklumpen (det där berget..)
I really love your question. You have invited us to see more than the eye see. I really love both. But why the Cat is so blue?
Hugs, Camilla.
What a delightful pairing. I love that sideways glance of both the cat and the bear.
For me, the city cat is my favourite both as a compositional and as subject.
Beautiful work, C & M.
apart from the drawings, that i like both, i like better the line of ballons on the first picture. I think it pairs better with the drawing... :)
åney! nu kan man inte gissa rätt utan att alla säger "säääkert!!" när man säger "jag trodde faktiskt den översta!" ;)
den är min favvis också, blicken är ju SÅ KORREKT!
juste samarbete!
Both of them are good, but i like it a little bit the first one. I think the composition it´s more interesting.
hey - my first visit to your blog, great drawings and illustrations! and it's definitely the bear
hello friend.
love your collaboration w/ mav... and studio violet is GREAT...
den översta tror jag.
min intuition sa det.
har den fel ska jag muddra'n.
så himla söt figur, ser vilsen trött o lite plågad ut. GULLI.
Supernice...Første indskydelse bjørnen, men der er lidt mere "ligevægt" i det med katten...Så katten blir min favorit:)
J'aime ton travail, continue à nous faire rêver !
My blog :)
that is very great!
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