Ok, it gets dark early when it is winter, here in Sweden, but in summer time it definately doesn't! These photos are taken at about 11 o'clock in the evening, and it will get even lighter. But we will not get midnight sun, Gothenburg is to far south.
A Flickr friend - eva eun-sil han
I really like this Nesting site by Gregor Graf.
You are lucky, here in France we only have grey sky and rain.
Oooh, I'd love to have a late night pck-nick while it's still light out! Won't happen in New Jersey though...
ever since i saw 'the lovers of the artic circle', one of my favorite films, i dream of seeing the midnight sun :)
that late night picnic sounds amazing!
That's absolutely amazing. I can't imagine seeing that kind of light at 11 o'clock at night. Wow.
And I love these photos, Camilla! They look like scenes from a movie.
wow! that's the up side! I wish it would stay light past ten here, It would be so cool to have a midnight barbecue without the need for lanterns and without the pesky moths that always come and stick themselves to the lanterns.
I wonder is it harder to get to sleep though when it's light nearly all the time?
Wow, so far north and such good weather! It's still raining in London. I like the yellow dried grass in the picnic pics.
oooo, vilken atmos i dessa bilder.. I like! Solen tittar fram lite blygt har idag, antligen! Kanske vi ocksa far lite sommar sa smaningom...
den där ungdomen till höger i nedersta bilden ser aningen berusad ut. hoppas att han hade åldern inne ;)
love a late sunset in the summer!!!!!!!!
Your blog is wonderful! I´m from Finland and the other night it was 3 am and I was standing by the sea watching sunrise. Beautiful summer nights...
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