Friday 4 January 2008

Oh sunny day

The sunny days are rare this time of the year, and when it is a sunny day you can't resist beeing a little bit more happy :) This is Morrans food containter.

Answers on common questions:
- I've got many questions about one of my plants, now the mystery is solved :) It's a Buddha Belly plant - Jatropha podagrica. Flaskfot på svenska.
- The lamp is designed by David Trubridge.
- Morran is a she, 9 years old, Danish/swedish Farmdog.
- The camera I use is a Ricoh Caplio GX100.


sandra said...

bäst jag skriver här då så att det blir ännu värre! :)

elizabeth@shoptwig said...

I hope you enjoyed your sunny day! A nice way to end the week. : )

Uncle Beefy said...

Camilla, okay, okay. Providing the link to Morran's flickr set was clearly your way of trying to sell her to me. Well, it worked. I just need to know how much express shipping will be and if we can include the food pail in the deal?

Looking forward to her arrival ;)

She is SOOOOOOO cute! (Love the orange beret pic!)

Andrea Tachezy said...

Camilla, thank you for the name of your plant. I was waiting for it :-)

mati rose said...

oh, i have one of irene's kid's books and i love her site! thanks!
enjoy the sun lady!

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures of Morran. We have a Jack Russell terrier named Rosie - she reminds me her...they have many of the same expressions. I love her clone toy and want to make one for Rosie, from your inspiration. Although she can be a bit of distructo...she is 8 and everyone asks if she is puppy. High energy...strong sleeper and our delight. Where did you get the food container? That is so cute, not as cute as Morran though.

/// said...

Awww, I want a Morran so badly! Instead, I have a Bernard and a George that pee incessantly on my expensive footwear.

Ahhh, be with me, 2008.

heather smith jones said...

love the food container