I got this idea from a photo that Alex Noriega had taken on a visit in Souther Salazar's studio. I just took boxes and lids that I had at home, not so stylish but good :) Why haven't I thought about this before!
A totally different Alex gave me a "Thinking blogger" award! Thank you! She wrote so nice about my blog - "Next to appear was Camilla Engman, whose amazing artwork captivated me long ago. Camilla is what I would call a generous spirit. Her blog is refreshing, honest, searching and very inclusive. Apart from sharing her art and scenes from her life, she adds links to her posts that urge us to travel with her and to enjoy the treasures that she has unearthed for us all. Here is a sneak peek into her wonderful world. "
A while ago I got another award "This blog has the power to schmooze" from Penelope. I've just been to busy, haven't had any time to bragg ;)
Robert J. Lang a paper link found through Alexandra Hedberg's blog.
You are full of such humility that your “bragging” is always filled with such charm.
adorable drawers! inspiring as always..
ooh..it's contagious! I just organized a former junk drawer (it was m-e-s-s-y!) and organized it using little containers and posted on my blog yesterday, then I read your blog and see an organized drawer.
great minds think alike?? :) then I'm in amazing company! (you and alex noriega)
PS: your drawer is much prettier than mine. mine is functional. your's is pretty!
Oj, vad jag kommer att härma dig nu!! En gör-mig-glad-låda. Perfekt. Tack! :)
this post was so inspiring. i love this drawer. i love all the objects from nature that you have collected and organized!!
nice studio! so white! hehehehe
great pic! love your work!
Oh yes, your drawers are very pretty indeed!
i love the picture on the right
all of your belongings fit so well together like a natural collage
today i found a very teeny acorn and thought of you, so i picked it up and put it in my pocket
Oh, I love this idea!
Great inspiration for my new studio space.
And congrats on your awards!
I love your blog too and I read it every day. :)
I love all your natural founding collection in your wonderful drawer, that inspires somebody to make collage of them ;)
this is super cool for collectors of all sorts...
jag är väldigt avundsjuk på dig för den där byrån, och nu blev det värre, hihi. nädå ingen fara, men det ser väldigt fint ut med alla grejer! man borde fota ner i alla låder man äger!
this is wonderful -- thank you for sharing! and congratulations! So well deserved!
i'm still going nuts over these drawers
I love this drawer, and Souther's as well. After following your link to his site and then his partner's (love both of their work!) I realized that their studio is just a couple blocks from our house! I've always wondered who was working in that great space and now I can imagine the art that is being made there.
Love seeing what inspires you, Camilla!
Hi, i love your artwork and blog, great work.
Din blogg är helt underbar Camilla!! Jag älskar dina foton lika mycket som dina illustrationer! Man vill flytta in i din byrålåda! :) /SI-Sofia
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