Thursday, 19 June 2014

My studiowall right now

I think I'll be working most of the summer. I'm looking forward to it, I kind of like working when I'm not "supposed" to, when the weather is too good and everyone else is on vacation.



Janien /leuke post said...

Looks great and al lot of stories to make in the eye of the beholder!
I will be in Berlin from 12-19 juli.

Mlle Paradis said...

is it just me, or is this piece a commentary about housekeeping? it is for me!

Mlle Paradis said...

is it just me, or is this piece a commentary about housekeeping? it is for me!

Mrs Bertimus said...

How intriguing and beautiful x

Maria Riazzoli said...


Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Wow, this is amazing!

Caroline said...

For en vakker, og litt urovekkende vegg!