Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Friends and fleas

A weekend with friends and flea markets. Full of energy, laughter and finds. The first photo is from my backyard, here you can see the preparations for the first flea market ever, we hope this will become an annual phenomenon. It's a good way to get to know your neighbors, that's for sure. Second photo, book finds and last photo another flea market in car trunks.


  1. good to see that the trees are finally starting to blossom in Göteborg!

    nice books.

  2. Flea markets with friends are so much better than friends with fleas.

    Hope you found some great things.

  3. Great idea, a flee market in the backyard. In the Netherlands we had queensday!

  4. Fun to see the yard and boot sales are coming out more in Sweden. I remember when I grew up in Sweden, there were not many at all... Remember booth sales in UK and here in Canada they are called Yard sales and or Garage sales, but what ever name they go under, they sure are fun to go through and check out. Great books!!!

    Heres to spring and summer : )

  5. I love flea markets!

  6. Yes, one vote more for fleas! It's treasure hunting. We are having one at the weekend in Helsinki. Big one. Whole city. It's called Siivouspäivä.

  7. Wow this is awesome! I would love to buy stuff from my neighbors haha
