Monday, 14 May 2012


As requested - This is how I store parts of my collection of found items. I like to be able to look at them when I need inspiration. For me this is a treasure box/drawer.

In an hour I will meet the people, who will participate in my workshop, for the first time!! I'm exhited and a little nervous. What shall I wear... I think I'll better hurry :)


  1. oh wow! thank you so much, this looks great!

  2. OOOOHHH how wonderful! It looks great. Maybe I should do the same, now everything is in my room and studio on different places. But I can see it all the time. Good luck with your workshop! Don't be nervous, it will be great!

  3. So this is how it is stored! It looks so wonderful!!!

  4. Wow! What a treasure! It looks amazing.

  5. I love your treasury drawer - such wonderful things! It has inspired me! Good luck with your workshop, it sounds wonderful and I hope I can do it one year!

  6. Have a great workshop Camilla- you know they are all going to be amazing after the first couple minutes!

  7. wishing you a great workshop!

  8. Ops, häääääääääärligt att se andra har mer ordning på sina "findings" än vad jag själv har, men jag kan se att vi samlat på mer eller mindre samma saker... Jag har ju en tro att en vacker dag så, så blir det storartad och vacker konst av allt jag samlat på mig och vem vet?!En vacker dag kanske allt faller på plats.

    Lyckalycka till med mötet med workshoppisarna och ha det super duper braigt på självaste workshopen, ser framemot att se vad ni gjort.

    Allt gott.


  9. I love your collections, I might have to clear out a drawer so I can fill it up. I hope you have a wonderful workshop!

  10. Your boxes remind me of an old lady from the film "Everything is Illuminated" (originally a book, written by Jonathan Safran Foer), have you seen it? Her whole house consists of boxes with people's personal belongings, to be exact, Jewish people, who were killed in her village during the WW II. Sorry for the sad comparison.

  11. och du har en förstående man..?
    hihi...jag menar jag får alltid en sån där lurig min när jag plockar upp något fint...
    sakletare är vi allihoopa allihoopa...

  12. woooow! it really seems inspiring, the way you organize your found treasures! good luck with your workshop!

  13. It's so much easier work when your have easy access to your "inspiration board". They are very inspirational - your treasures! Have a great workshop. I was also thinking about to take part but have to work so...have fun!

  14. How many treasures, Camilla!

  15. A treasure drawer...I love it :)

  16. It's a great way to make use of the used paper boxes !! Love the idea of getting inspirations! :)

  17. very nice idea to gather your foundings!
    especially for so nice treasures!


  18. Love your drawers and your treasures - like a museum :)
