Monday, 23 January 2012

a walk

Recently I watched a documentary on tv about Francesca Woodman, well it was called the Woodmans so her artist parents were a big part of it. On the blog My love for you. I stumbled on this post about her.


  1. Camilla, thank you for those fascinating links about Francesca Woodman. Beautiful forest pictures as well.

  2. Måste vara stor skillnad att promenera utan hund. Jag vet inte om det är tillåtet att fråga, men funderar du på en ny hund någon gång i framtiden?
    Hälsningar från Uli och katten Lollo

  3. oh ja Ulrica! Ska bara vänta på att det är en ny hund jag vill ha inte en ny Morran. Skulle gärna haft en katt också någon gång :)

  4. I am not sure if it's ok to say
    but for me
    your pictures of this wood
    looks so empty without Morran
    I can imagine it must be
    difficult and different for you

    thinking of you
    Patrice A.

  5. I love Fracesca Woodman's work. I have one book about her work that I found in a bookstore in Hamburg. It's the most extensive book I have found on her photograpy. She was such an enigma, in a way. Interested to learn about her parents. Thanks for the links!

  6. Ja det är klart, klokt tänkt.
    Jag kände en fotograf vars hund dog, och även lång tid efter dens död ville de ändå ha samma ras som skulle ha samma fläckar på samma plats som den förra hunden. Jag övertalade dom att fundera på rasbyte, från landseer till berner sennen. Det gjorde dom... men ingen hade väl tid att uppfostra hunden så den är helt GALEN och ingenting som den lugna hunden de haft innan. Haha... så kan det gå!
    Jag menar inte att din nästa hund kommer vara galen, utan att man inte ska söka samma fläckar i pälsen på nästa hund :)

  7. I too have been enjoying the woods & trees .. and it is so wonderful to be reminded of the hauntingly surreal art of Francesca Woodman, thank You.

  8. Thank you. <3

    I wasn't aware that Morran had past as I have taken a few months away from the Internet...I put my 15 yr old pitbull down last February (I had him since he was 3 months). I know full well the pain. Big hugs to you.

  9. Patrice, it is. But I almost always have company when I'm out walking in the woods. It is worse, more empty, when I walk home from the studio through the park without a Morran bum ahead of me.

  10. thank you for these links! i made my final project on her when i studied photography, and have been thinking about her recently. what timing!

    lovely woods, i'm sure you'll never walk alone there, really.

  11. breathtaking, which I am sure has been said before many times!
