Tuesday, 13 September 2011

An old tin

A gift from Jane.


  1. A very pretty tin - love the English hunters and their dogs (not so sure about the hunting itself though...). Somehow old tins are very eye catching and always so useful for storing tiny little brick a bracks!

  2. I found many tins in my grandma's closet after she left, all kinds of shapes and sizes... one of them had a very similar hunter's theme... hmmm nice coincidence!!!

  3. Haven't checked in for a while and just scrolled back and read about Morran and her latest surgery. I hope she will be like my little black dog, Rose, who lived to be 16despite her many lumps and bumps - some bad ones I am sure. She just kept going and cheerful and one sad night she slipped away....
    I still have Hazeldog though she is getting lumpy as she ages as well. It seems to be something that happens with dogs...
    Best to you all

  4. Lovely to see the tin is now famous! I never noticed the weird running tree man between the horses...we have a lot of these in England! x

  5. Åh, for en fin boks! Og sånne gamle trådsneller er så fine. :)

  6. a pretty tin!!! My grandmother love old tins, she have a lot of tins in her closet full of old things, her tresures
