- A little note, is it the sound of a bird?
- Memoire no. 1 - I found this in a medieval town in France and I thought "wow a trace of someone like myself, someone that collect things and even cataloging them in numerical order!" for a moment I even felt a twinge of envy, so disciplined and poetic. Then the truth struck me... it was just an ordinary plastic pocket for a cameras memory card.
The sleepers, a poster over at Studio Morran.
good story!
what could RURIURUURI... be?
have a nice evening,
;) barbara
I think both are lovely and I would like to think that the plastic cover is documented! ;)
(I guess I am sentimental and tend to romanticize things...;D)
I like this, both your story and the found objects: the enigma of everyday life.
and now the ordinary plastic pocket has a story too.
Hello. Am trying another way to comment :)
I'll stick to the first version of that mémoire :)
Så fint...och Sleepers, vilken underbar bild...
Oh I would have gone down the same thought path! I twinge here with found ephemera envy...
If the first note is a bird sound, it might be that this feathery friend is practicing its diction!
Yes, of a bird... but what is he/she saying, I wonder.
Yes, of a bird... but what is he/she saying, I wonder.
I looooove found objects that feels like treasures and makes you wonder abot the story behind them. Thanks for sharing!
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