Tuesday, 6 September 2011


This year I've been thinking that I will probably not make a 2012 calendar. Yesterday I took the final decision that there will be no more calendar. There are too many of them and I felt no desire to make one, and desire and curiosity are my main fuels.

So what did I start my morning with, working on a 2012 calendar! I have no idea how that happened :-)

This is still a secret and I don't really know what will happen or how, but I have a vague idea about it. I want to have a forum for all the cute things that wants to come out and as Studio Violet does not exist anymore there might be a Studio Morran in the future... but I haven't had the time to implement it yet (you can see that I started a while ago).
So why am I telling you all this now you might wonder. Because IF I make a calendar for next year (I'm not 100% clear if yet) it will be more on the cute side than last years calendars. A Studio Morran calendar. I will of course keep you updated.


  1. Sounds like a GREAT idea!
    And it works that way for me too sometimes. When you finally put something aside, and distance sets in... *magic* (???)

    I'll also be looking out for more news from the new studio!!!
    It's such a wonderful tribute to a Great Lady!

    & lots of wishes for a lovely day to both you ànd Morran!

  2. Dear Camilla,
    Perhaps, after all of the worries with sweet Morran's health, a lighter, more whimsical calendar would be good for your heart!

  3. I love this illustration!
    Have a nice day

  4. I'll keep my fingers crossed! Definitely i can't wait for the new calendar, especially from Studio Morran:)

  5. Morran deserves to have her own studio :) xoxo

  6. Sounds exciting! I'm sure it will be cute.
    ah! Studio Morran is a great name.
    kisses to both of you from the beach!

  7. oh, I do hope that you will make a 2012 calendar... your calendars are always fantastic and It's almost a tradition for me to buy one and admire it the whole year. :)
    Good luck with Studio Morran, oh and also... this illustration is so sweet!
    have a nice day.*

  8. Ohhhh....I loooove Studio Morran already....

    I know whatever you choose to do, it will be brilliant and Studio Violet will always have a special place in my heart.

  9. oh my god, how did this happen - I have never seen the Studio Morran blog!!??

    I am very glad that you decided to make another calender, Camilla, for it is a nice tradition and I love them all.
    and it's also nice to see your cute work.
    (of course your darker pieces are also great)

  10. Best to you and Morran. Calendar or not... I'm thinking of you both.

  11. I can already hear her barking happily around the new studio ♥♥♥

  12. Hurra! I have already decided that I will buy your 2012 calendar! So please make it! I love your birds:)

  13. You know everyone will go crazy for a Morran calendar! I included!

  14. I love the work at Studio Morran, and I keep the old calendars each year so I can look over your artwork- being stateside this is as close as we can get to it!

  15. First I'm thinking to Morran (best wishes xxx)... I also hope that you will make a 2012 calendar... your calendars are so beautiful and I admire them every day. Studio Morran, what a fantastic idea!

  16. wow, a personal studio for madame morran is not that bad! perfect!!

  17. what ever you decided to do , all of our thinkings are with you and Morran, sending good energy, rays of light from the forest to the mediterranean sea. ;I

  18. I ♥ Studio Morran! and I love these birdies too! Hugs to you and the furry girl.

  19. Studio Morran, yeah bring it on! :)

  20. This illustration makes me so happy. a cuter calendar seems like a lovely idea. have a great day!

  21. A Studio Morran calendar sounds perfect xxx

  22. Camilla! Det kommer att bli svårt att klara 2012 om du inte gör en ny fantastisk kalender!

  23. Beautiful!!

    What about a new Morran book? She is one of the most famous dogs in the web. And also she has a lot of friends around the world, most of them illustrators... It would be cool a book of Morran's portraits made from illustrators from everywhere, an open call maybe? It would be a best-seller :) Just an idea.
    Anyway Studio Morran sounds great!!
    A big hug for you two!

  24. Camilla sure you have good ideas to make it nice, the Study Morran, sounds great!

  25. I somehow missed that there is no Studio Violet anymore....

    the artwork is just great
    a calender would be fine
    and Studio Morran
    what can I say

  26. i look forward to a new calendar and more Studio Morran goodness!

  27. Some months ago, I found a calendar in my inspiration box. I thought it was pretty and put it on the wall, eventhough it was old. After a while I started following your blog and soon I realized it was yours! Soon I also realized that even though the year wasn't right, the dates and days fit! It is 2005. If you make 2012 I'll buy it.

  28. Yes,Studio Morran is the right answer,and the light one.
    I remember what you've said to me:both sides,both kind of works.Never forget the light side,it appears when the other is too much.Good luck with this new experience!

  29. I hope you make a 2012 calendar. While there may be many calendars out there, they are not like yours. Hopefully we see Studio Morran soon. Hugs to you and Morran.

  30. i am sure its going to be great. your illustrations are wonderful. I just was brought over by another blog - Arctic Mom ( and very happy to discover your work) The tree sketch is delightful!

  31. I already want one!! :D

  32. I don't mind getting a few months older if I can have your new calendar ^^

  33. I love the birds in the tree and the idea of a Studio Morran. Kram!

  34. This calendar is going to be the best ever! Cheers for studio Morran.

  35. so excited!! do you ship them overseas? xx

