Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Morran has undergone yet another surgery. She had another lump, it was growing really fast. Before vacation the size of it was like a pea and now more like a pingpong ball. I thought it was just another surgery, just another lump. But the vet said it had spread to her lungs... that she probably has 6-12 months left. I know she is already quite old, 13 years in january, but she doesn't feel old yet, and of course I want her to live forever...


Jen said...

Oh Morran! Please give the girl a good scratch of the ear from me. I hope she has a good "old age" no matter how long that may be!

Kata said...

oh that makes me sad. BUT -- doctors don't always know everything, they could be wrong.. love to you both. - KW

nat said...

Oh, sad news! and at the same time, it's so happy the time you've spent together (and share with us). I wish you both the best!

Jodi Anderson said...

I'm such a lurker, but I wanted you to know that we (my young adult daughter and I) think that Morran is the most famous and beloved non-celebrity dog in the world. So many people love her quietly and from afar.

Much love for you all. xo

hayden said...

I thought Morran was a kind of dog-god who this crap didn't happen to. It always looks like she has a great and happy life with you - thanks for sharing it, and this sad news too.

Lilly Louise Allen Illustration said...

My Jack Russell is 17 and she has had lumps for a few years now, she is quite happy and they don't hurt her but it is worry, they are such lovely characters x

nina corvallo said...

Camilla, I am sending you all lots of hugs!

Tarsila Krüse said...

Camilla I know what you're going through. I'm sending all my positive vibes to you both and hope you can enjoy to the fullest what is still ahead.

nancy said...

We are all sending loving, positive thoughts to dear Morran, and to you! She really is blessed to have someone like you watching over her, just as you are blessed having such a beautiful creature in your life. Enjoy every moment with her.

nancy said...

p.s. I have posted her little book (from the Suitcase Series) on the fridge to remember to send her positive energy! xx

Erika Johnston said...

Camilla, I have been following your blog for several years now (I am a lurker for sure :)), and I just want you to know that I "look in" on you and Morran frequently. I'm so sorry to hear this news, but I am thinking about you, sending you both (all) good thoughts and well-wishes. Morran is much-loved by many, many, many people. Morran is a tough cookie, and one lucky dog! Positive vibes coming your way!

Unknown said...

ohhh that`s so sad :-) Morran, I love you!

[sen.siˈʝes] said...

so sorry to hear.
and i know how this i want her to live forever feels. hopefully the vet is wrong and she will stay for much longer.

lilly piri said...

I'm so sorry to hear that, Camilla :( I hope she makes it even more than just 12 months. Dogs are such special members of the family. Lots of love to both of you.

glaucia said...

Oh, we are so sorry to read that. Morran is well loved here by my daughter and I, we've been following your work for a long time now and Morran is such a special dog!We'll keep sending good vibes and lots of love from 2 brazilians dog lovers to you and her.

Pamela Holderman said...

Oh so sorry...I do hope you can all love and comfort each other and have many more wonderful experiences together.

K said...

I don't frequently comment either, but I have to say I am so sorry to hear that. I always love seeing her picture. I know how hard it is to lose a best friend like her, and I hope you two can have many more wonderful experiences together before it is her time to go.

Geninne said...

Big big hug to you and precious Morran with much love from Mr. T and me.

Angela said...

Walter the dog says, "Woof, woof, woof, woof, Morran, woof, woof!" - I'm not sure what that means but if I know him he's saying kind things to the both of you.

Karen Barbé said...

Oh no! This is so sad news. What can I say. Pets manage to become one more in the family, touching some inner chords in no way a person can. To see them suffer is just terrible. Just hope the best for Morran.


Amie Plumley said...

My heart goes out to you. My beloved cat had a similar situation last year. so sorry..

my hyggelig said...

I do not know what to say. This is very sad news. Morran is loved the world over, and definitely I am a big fan. I am crying as I type and my heart sinks, because I know what devastation this must bring to you ~ I have been there. Our friends never feel old to us. Morran has such a beautiful life with you, you are both lucky to have such wonderful memories with each other. Morran, I give you big big hugs!

pRiyA said...

No. This is so sad. I don't know what to say as nothing I say will seem right at this time. Big hug to Morran and you.

kassy said...

I hope the doctor is wrong and she lives for many more years! I'm crying too and sending you both hugs!!

Jasmine Mirra said...

OH! I'm so sad...
Everyone here wants her to live forever too...

Juli said...

God bless Morran. She's such a sweet little dog. Through your stories and pictures we have all fallen in love with her. So sorry to hear this news. Best wishes to you both, and a big hug to Morran.

hawkandtrap said...

Love to you and your pup. Morran has such a beautiful soul. Therefore she will live on forever.

Karen Thiessen said...

My thoughts are with you. Morran is such a character. May she live well beyond the vet's prognosis.

mette / ungt blod said...

åh morran.

Petra said...

det va tråkigt att höra, man vill aldrig förlora en vän och ni tycks ha en så fin och givande vänskap, jag önskar er all lycka och välmående !

emdot said...

I love Morran. I send her and you my best thoughts. I hope she stays pain free. Even more I wish for her a miraculous recovery. Morran, you are a great dog!

Anonymous said...

hello camilla
i read your blog here in paris since the beginning and see this morning the said news of your little dog
i also have a parson russell,in the same colours ,but 8 years old and i hope we can be together a long time.
i hope that you still have with her a lot of little live surprises

marielle willems

Nicky said...

That is sad news. I am sure that the time you have together now will be extra special. So good to be able to share so many things with her. She will really appreciate you being there with her, knowing she is not alone going through this.

Luisa said...

Morran is well-loved here in California, too. Our hearts go out to you both, and we send you hugs and good wishes. Please know that our thoughts are with you, and may Morran's days be filled with comfort and happiness.

nina said...

it might be of small comfort, but the love of strangers that have never "met" morran surely is a testament to how much joy she has brought others. know that i will think good thoughts for her (and for you). i hope she will feel the collective warm embrace from afar. such a sweet pup -- give her extra hugs from all of us!

Hélène said...

Mince alors... tendres pensées***

Anonymous said...

I am so, so, so sorry. I just love your photos and stories of this sweet little dog and as a dog person myself, I really do feel for you.

Meyer-Lavigne said...

Åhh nej, stakkels Morran.

Karolina Pettersson said...

my love to you both. kram karro

Helmi said...

Love to you and hugs for Moran, so sad post!

Gemma said...

Oh Camilla i know exactly how you feel! My thoughts and best wishes are with you, i shall be thinking of you both all my love and hugs to Morran xxx

kristina said...

kära lilla morran - jag hoppas doktorn har fel. kram till dig camilla!

Jen said...

I am so very sorry to hear this, Camilla. Morran is so precious. I'm sharing some tears with you xxx

barbara said...

oh shit, this is too sad, I'm so sorry!

big hug to both of you, Barbara

sandra said...

pussa henne hårt och länge från mig. finaste morran.

harem6 said...

Oh, we are so so sorry to hear that , Camilla ! We send you two all our good thoughts and love . We love Morran, we wish her a miraculous recovery !!!!!

Anneke said...

How said to hear. The warmth, joy and fun which show from your blogs in which Morran is starrin is wonderfull. I hope there is a long period to come, in which there will be many moments of fun and joy for you and Morran, and that these moments will by far outnumber the moments of worry.

Sofia said...

åh så tråkigt!

marga.marina said...

Oh Morran, so sad to hear!
I know what you feel at the moment, this news are so painful.
I wish you both the strength to say good bye at the right moment.

Enjoy every single moment -
my thoughts are with you!

elsa said...

oh, I feel for you. Mine is 14 now and I can't imagine how it will feel when she is gone.

My thoughts are with you both. She seems to be such a lovely dog.

Christine Clemmensen said...

Det gør mig frygtelig ondt at høre. Varme tanker og kærlige hilsener til jer begge

Anonymous said...

Lots of love to you and Morran from Australia. Vets aren't always right. My little six year old Jack Russell had a close call a couple of months ago and I thought it was the end. Luckily I got a second opinion and she had surgery and survived. Keep thinking positive. Morran will let you know if it's her time, not the vet. Listen to your sweet dog. Half of my flickr photo favourites have Morran in them. She is such a special dog.

Kristen Donegan said...

Time with her now will be even more precious. Being surrounded with love at the end of ones life is a blessing and grace that we all deserve.

serena said...

i'm very sorry...so sad for you..
kiss for morran from italy..

M. said...

Oh what sorrow! Lovely lovely Morran brings happiness to everyone, even people who have not met her... we all want her to recover and confound the doctor. If anyone can, it's Morran. My thoughts and good wishes to you both.

Ximenius said...

I´m so sorry Camilla, Morran will live as long as she has too (hopefully more than the doctor said), but be sure she will live in the memories of your fans. Most of us don´t know her (I don´t even know you personally :)) yet I felt sad this morning as I read you post. Big Kiss and a hug (mexican style).

Samantha said...

Oh, Morran! I'm not sure exactly what to say, but I know how I'd feel if I heard the same news about my own little dog. You and Morran are in my thoughts, and I'm sending a little hug to her from Canada!

Elizabeth Fay said...

It's never easy watching a family member die. Pet's are sometimes even closer than a family members. Hope she enjoys the last few months of her life. Thoughts and sympathy. xx

alias the vicar said...

I want her to live forever too

Diana Rogers said...

Oh, I hate hearing this. Keeping you and sweet Morran in my thoughts.

* HOPSCOTCH * ~ Charlyn said...

Oh Camilla.
I can relate.

Hugs and kisses to you and Morran.

Anne Frances Wysocki said...

I send love to Morran -- and you -- from Wisconsin. Here's to her tough and dancing spirit.

mav said...

your post made me cry.
i refuse believe in a world without Morran. there will never ever be one. she will live forever. with love, mav

Evolutionary Revolutionary said...

Oh Morran! This is such sad news. I am so sorry!

ana ventura said...

Ohh my dear Camilla. So said to hear this news. I'm so sorry. Strong hug for you 3!

Elisa said...

how sad... we love our pets so much... is so difficult! crossed fingers for Morran.

Angela M. Corti said...

Oh, so sad news, Camilla, all my love and hugs for her and for you...

lene said...

I started following your blog a few years ago when I saw a picture of Morran under your desk: I loved your photos and your little dog. Since then I smiled every time I saw her in a photo. I send you a big hug and another one for Morran.

Abigail A. Percy said...

Oh sweetie... I'm in tears. I know how much you love each other and this is the worst news to hear. Now I have Angus I fully understand how much they become part of you, completely entwined. I can't imagine.

Wishing with every part of me that the months left are as many as can be.

with love, Abigail xoxo

Betsy4Arts said...

That sweet little animal has given such joy to so many of us. She has had a wonderful life full of love & adventures.You have each been blessed, having one another in your lives. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of her life. I will now apperciate each glimpse that you give us so much more. Please give her a pet from me.

mia said...

Oh Camilla, the photo of Morran is so lovely and your news is so sad (made me shed a few tears)
big hug to you both Xx

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to hear the news, but I understand what you are going through. My dog had surgery for liver cancer last year, but we think her time may be drawing near. Know that others are thinking of you and Morran at this time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Camilla my heart is with you and Morran. She is such a special dog. You are so lucky to have her in your life and you in return have given her a most wonderful home. Hopefully she will beat the odds and have several more years. You both are in my prayers.

painted fish studio said...

i so love your morran posts, and this one brought tears to my eyes. i'm so sorry.

AnnStudio said...

All my best to you & Morran. I fell in love with your dog through your wonderful photographs of her. I've never seen the spirit of a dog captured more beautifully. I wish you both peace.

Alexandra Hedberg said...


Rigel said...

Your blog brings pure delight to my day, and your sweet Morran is such a huge part of that. I thank you both. I know a little bit about how hard this can be, our doggy went through the very same thing. I'd just like to say, spend more time hugging and cuddling than worrying, but I'm sure you already know this. Sending love and hugs to you both.

Rendell said...

Camilla, I have a favorite quote from Roger Caras I'd like to share with you..."Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." This has comforted me when I have had the short and long goodbyes with my well-loved, and well-lived dogs.

Unknown said...

Very sad to read this... I hope that your precious time together lasts; and I know it will, forever, in you and, thanks to you, also in all our memories.

But it's far too soon to talk this way! You both have a beautiful Autumn!!

fanja said...

I'm so sad to read this, just hoping for the best x

Amy | Flowers for Wedding said...

:( this news are sad... but they show us that everything has a cycle, and that the bet we can do is enjoy while we last.

Tasting Shapes said...

So sorry to hear about Morran. Thinking of you both.

ElisabethAndree said...

Tears because I know how it feels, Camilla. Hugs for you and Morran..

Deborah Newton said...

My old dog Ginger, Morran's age exactly, was also afflicted in the same way. I am so sorry. It is heartbreaking and I understand completely how hard it will be....
Blessings to you all, of all sorts.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is such sad news, she is like your little shadow. Enjoy your time together x

p o e said...

I'm so sorry to read this! I too have a beloved little furry dog in my life, and I can't bear the thought of losing him. All we can do is enjoy the time we do have with our little companions and be grateful for all that we get from them. I love seeing photos of Morran on your blog, and I hope you'll continue to share news about her.

Anonymous said...

What a special bond you share with your Morran, you are like kindered spirits....I'm sending all my best wishes to you.

riye said...

I'm so sorry. I hope Morran manages to outlive the vet's diagnosis. Thank you for sharing your happy times with her and I hope you have many many more in the future.

Jan Halvarson said...

Oh Morran! She's one-of-a-kind. I'm so sad. YOu must be too. Give her big hugs.

Amy Rowan said...

Just thinking how lucky you both are to have shared so much life and laughter. Sending big hugs. xo Amy

Mia Zucca said...

I'm a lurker here but have to stop in today. I have a dog that I love very much so I can imagine the depth of the worry you must be feeling today. I so hope the prognosis is off and that she has many more days with you. You must be feeling shocked right now, poor you and Moran.

Beth in Portland said...

My three terriers and I have been Morran (and Camilla) fans for several years. I cherish a photo you posted long ago (and which was in the Suitcase book, too) of Morran and Drop, one of your Stuffies we have! We also have your print of Morran in the woods upstairs in my office. All of us here, two- and four-legged alike, send you, Morran and your husband our thoughts and wishes for many, many more happy adventures together in the months to come!

skatoprama said...

my love to Morran!!!

Anonymous said...

Å lilla Morran, vilket sorgligt besked. Ha det så skönt och roligt du kan och krama din Matte.

Jag älskar fotot på dig i gräset brevid den soldyrkande damen i parken.


kavka said...

So sad to hear it but you know she's small but strong girl! I belive that everything can change.
Big kisses to her & you Camilla, I'm thinking about you both

Sua chua laptop said...

So sad to hear it but you know she's small but strong girl! I belive that everything can change. thanks for this great article

Lisa said...

These are the saddest words I could read here...
I feel very sad, I think I understand what you mean saying "I want her to live forever..."
A big, big hug through the next 6-12 whatever months are left, to her and to you

Nechepurenka said...

We all love you in Russia!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

lorena said...

Big, big hug to you and Morran.

Jasmin said...

dear camilla, so sorry to hear that. I'm sending my love to you and morran and hope you two have a lot more happy days together.

Unknown said...

morran is wondeful little girl, and I'm sure she will be just fine. My dog had similar problems and 3 operations and she did it just fine after for long years, although she was old.
Morran is blessed with all those love you give her.
lots of love and hugs to you2 <3<3

Belinda said...

Oh dear Morran, get well sweet one. x

Natascha Rosenberg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Natascha Rosenberg said...

Dear Camilla, I'm very sorry to hear these news. I wish your vet is mistaken and that the young Morran's spirit will help her through this phase. A big healing kiss for Morran!

Sara said...

the first time I saw your blog you were walking with Morran in the woods, extolling your love for her.

Sending more love to you and to her.

oh, the internet. Tearing up over someone I've never met!

Green Key said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news! Keeping up with Morran's activities is one of my favorite things to do online. I hope the time she has left is full of walks and lots of good things. All the best to you Camilla.

bugheart said...

oh god,
i am so sorry.
how heartbreaking.
xo to you.

Cristiana C. said...

Oh my, Camilla..... this is so sad! I know how it feels, I know this too well. A big hug to both of you.
xox, Cristiana

Cat said...

I have been lurking for many months via Kelly Kilmer's blog. I could not stop without saying how saddened I am for Morran's prognosis. Such a beautiful dog!! As a dog lover and owner for many years, I can imagine how heart-wrenching it is to get that news--been there, done that too many times. My wish is that her remaining time is (long)happy time, quality time with those she loves and love her. You found each other in this life because it was meant to be. Be happy for the now!!

Heidi Losleben said...

I am so very sorry to hear your news. My heart breaks for you. I lost my 12-year-old pup to bone cancer two years ago. Thank you so much for sharing Morran with us and letting us love her from afar. Take good care of yourself.

Reka said...

A good scratch behind the ears and some grapes for Moran and a big hug to you! Doctors are not always right! (our family Dog member stayed with us many more years after the doctor told us he has only few month left)

Nic Squirrell said...

:( Sad news. But you still have many happy moments left, hopefully more than Mr Vet thinks too. Looks like Moran has a wonderful life with you.

karen said...

I am so sorry to hear about adorable sweet Morran. I have enjoyed following your blog for your beautiful art but also all the little sneak peeks of Morran in your photos. She is obviously a very well loved puppy with a large fan base. I wish you both the best and hope that your remaining time together is happy and special.

Kim Carney said...

big kisses and hugs, Morran, the most beloved dog on the internet! That makes me sooo very sad.

Cate McGowan said...

I have lurked here for years. I cherish all of your amazing work, but it's the posts about Morran that I have always loved the most. I always save them and show them to my husband. He is always asking, "Anything about Morran lately?" So when I saw this post, it made me the saddest I have been in a long time. I love your puppy dearly from afar. Do please know that I am sending great positive thoughts: internet hugs and imaginary delicious treats and huge fantasy forests for her to explore. Hang in there, lady, I am rooting for you and Morran. As long as every moment counts in life, then every day can be precious. Please know that there are people out here pulling for you and supporting you. I care!

amydawnrose said...

I have been fondly watching Morran's antics for years, and I love the sweet, wise look she has in her eyes.
I hope the rest of her time is as happy as always- she will leave a big hole for sure.

tammy said...

oh, i'm so sorry to hear about your sweet morran. she really has made me smile since i've "met" her. i always thought she is my favorite internet dog. i always thought when my dog was at the end of his life, that the last thing we can do for them is be there, with them, like they have done for us... comforting and just being there with them, whatever they need in these days. take care... what a beautiful lovely life she's had. We love her! Please tell her :) biggest kiss morran. p.s. the url is for my tumblr blog, where i've posted pics of my favorite dog, morran <3

tammy said...

morran on my tumblr <3


Anonymous said...

Thats so sad! I've been following Morran for more than 5 years now...

emma said...

jag börjar gråta i kaffet här! camilla! morran! hoppas att hon inte känner nåt av det. jag vet att ingenting kanske tröstar, men tur att hon har en så bra matte och förmodligen är en väldigt lycklig liten hund. <3 kramkramkramkram.

Claire said...

Oh sweet Morran! I hope she knows how many of us love her. The best and original internet dog - I hope the vet is wrong too xxx

serra said...

A big hug!!!

deborah said...

Tears in my eyes now. Wishing all the best and luck to Morran. my prayers will be for her.

Peggy said...

Much love. Much much love.

cinzia ruggieri said...

I'm so sorry,I've already met Morran for the first time and found her really lovely and special! But sometimes doctors made mistake and life has surprises for us.Who knows...Tanti baci for both!

Kharina said...

Ah nej! Det ar forsta gangen jag har kommenterat har. Synd att det har med sorgliga nyheter att gora. Morrans aventyrer har alltid varit upplyftande for bade mig och mannen (han alskar henne ocksa). Vi sander massor av karlek, kel och pussar fran England. xxx

jennifer said...

i've been reading your blog for years and have loved all the photos of your vacations, but above all, the ones that feature Morran. She seems like such a sweet dog. It breaks my heart what's happening to her. I know that she is very well loved and a very happy dog. All any of us can ask for is that we lead happy lives full of love.

Lotte said...

Sending all the healing karma I have to U...Love

barbara said...

Hope she will be fine again so soon!!

Michelle Kendrick Hartney said...

Sending my love to you and Moran. I'm so sorry to hear this news.

Hyena In Petticoats said...

I'm sorry to hear that Camilla - I am one of those people who doesn't comment enough, but loves to read about the adventures of you and Morran...
I hope you have a wonderful time together for however much is left, and we will be here to comfort you when the time comes....

Lots of love,

Leah xxx

Andrea said...

Noooo!!!!! how sad!!! always my favorites posts are the ones wit her, I want her to live forever!!!!! enjoy her as much as you can, please do not let her suffer, she is a great dog!!!!! wish you and her all the best

Malin said...

skickar en stor kram till Morran och hoppas ni får många många fina stunder tillsammans

linn said...

åh, vad sorligt, jag är jätteledsen för er skull.
din blogg var ungefär den första av alla bloggar jag började läsa, typ 2006, och det öppnade en helt ny värld. jag älskade alla inlägg med morran. man kan verkligen känna kärleken och relationen ni har, genom bilderna.
stora kramar till er alla.

alessandra said...

Courage Camilla and Morran


Morran is loved in Brazil too. I will pray for her.
All the best.
Anna Victória

Anonymous said...

Camilla, this is very sad news about Morran. I am a great fan of your art work and your blog and Morran has always played a leading role in both. I enjoy seeing her little adventures and travels; she always makes me smile! Sweet thoughts to you and Moran from Arizona.

Annie Patterson said...

Oh sweet Morran! Sorry to hear this news. Will keep her in my thoughts.

dianna said...

Morran is my favorite blog dog -- I've always wanted to meet her in person, but barring that I love to see her photo and read about her wonderful little dog life. Junie (my dog) and I send you and her our very best.

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

I'm very sorry to read these bad news. Morran is so cute. Try to enjoy her all you can. Lots of love, Silvia

kristi said...

my heart breaks a little while reading this.
sending you and morran a thousand hugs.

Cally said...

Camilla, my heart goes out ot you, and to Morran. I'm glad she's recovering from the surgery (loved the fabric steps in future post) but obviously things feel very tentative now. Like you say, we all want our pets to live forever. Being given a time frame is so upsetting, but at the same time it's a chance to be aware of every joyous moment you have together.

Morran has been such a big part of your blog, I still have the clip on my computer of the day she got her new toy and the day she met you ate the airport. Lets hope she defies the numbers and predictions, but regardless, that you both have the best, sweetest and happiest times together in the months to come. Best heartfelt wishes to you both.

Sandra Monat said...

oh Camilla, I´m feeling with you. Sending good thoughts and wishes your way.

Maureen @ Notes on a Visual Life said...

Oh my goodness. Morran is one of my favorites! I love to check in on you both from time to time. I haven't visited in a little while and I was just wondering how you two were doing. Such sad news. You're both in my thoughts! Sending lots of love from California...

grumblebunny said...

I'm way behind on my blog reading and just saw your post about Morran.

Sending so. much. love. to you and your little wonderdog.

Kaitlin Wainwright said...

I found your blog by way of a tweet about the Studio Moran calendar-I wanted to send some good thoughts your way. Our pup is only 15 months old, so I can hardly imagine what 13 years feels like. I hope that Moran heels from her surgery.

Rumisu said...

Morran will do live forever... they always do! our "tofi" is still with us everyday, eventhough she physically had departed from our lives when she was eight... they become like a sibbling... and nothing replaces them ever... just keep adding as many good memories as you can, as I am sure you already are doing... I am sure she feels very lucky to have had this journey with you and the same way around... that's what counts at the end of the day... with the best wishes and lots of love from istanbul to both you and the beautiful Morran!

Anna @sweet life said...

<3! alla lyckoönskningar till er!