Thursday, 10 March 2011

Better stay indoors

The weather is so bad, it is snowing/raining vertically, Morran and I stayed home today. We are here in bad weather but the package is sent to a much warmer country. Thank you Peg for the carving rubber :)

Alexandra Marvar, photography.


  1. warm greetings from Vienna, where it is also raining.
    what is spring waiting for?

  2. Ahh, lovely photos - despite the bad weather, I hope it improves for you! xxxxx

  3. Lovely photos! just a question Camilla, how have you done the stamps????
    : )

  4. Barbara, maybe a sun-dance is needed.
    Bethany, it has to!
    Laura, I've carved in an Artist Carving Block from Steadler.

  5. weather is lovely here in Portugal ! i´ve just had my little sunbath in the garden outside the studio (:

  6. We are having rain here as well, same light/color all day- that would be gray.
    It's good to stay warm inside :)

  7. looks like vancouver weather! have a good weekend inside!

  8. Yo también suelo mandar arte correos. Y muy similares en complejidad con estos. Así, con sello de goma y todo. Me enternece ver lo que hacés. Muy bueno. Te mando un abrazo y gracias por compartir tus cosas.
