There is no leaves on the trees and there is still spots of ice left, but it is a little warmer. Morran and Loppan doesn't have to get cold waiting outside the bakery.
Homer Simpson finds bliss at the bottom of an escalator.
Mills & Boon - Oli + Alex. Both links found through Suprbo.
you've just made my day!! thanks!
fina foton!
Beautiful!! What camera do you use?
I have a soft spot for photos of dogs patiently waiting. Makes me long all the more for a dog.
Enjoy your spring days.
Blue and sunny skies here in Paris - I'll send some your way! Lovely snapshots!
Cellphone with app.
Yes the two dogladies are so sweet, waiting and waiting. And so happy when you get back to them.
Anne I think it worked, the sun is shining :)
I love art! What moves me inside is pictures of nature.
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