Friday, 25 February 2011


They say that most of us see time as a circle, I know I do - the day and the year, but not the week and not my life... The day circle is bothering me, it feels like starting over, over and over again. Maybe that's because I don't like to wake up in the mornings :)

What about a wall like this - DIY scrap pallet plank wall.
Take a look at Fine Little Gallery, Will from France is disturbingly good.
Made to Play by Joel is a book I wouldn't mind having in my bookshelf


  1. I agree.. the week doesn't seem to be a circle at all! Or the day! Lovely pictures!

  2. the little images in the plastic dishes are lovely. and i spy a christmas cactus over there. so sweet are these photos.

  3. I didn't know people see time as a circle. When I have asked people, they often don't have an answer. I see the year as an oval, which is superimposed over the back yard of the house I grew up in (a little of the oval goes into the neighbors yard. Right now, February 25, we are very close to their post and beam fence and the tree that is now gone.

  4. love these little constellations of images camilla ⚆⚇⚈⚉☻

  5. Beautiful circles spinning round and round. Such nice, big loops repeating. Some days feel on a cycle repeating and fluid. Others feel decidedly more linear. A line going from one point to somewhere new.

  6. Well, is time a circle ? I don't think so...
    Nice creations, anyway,

  7. Seb, how do You see it then?
    For me an hour and a year definately are circles.

  8. Are quite like circles, just because start and end in the same point, but in the way although they seem to follow the same road, are they really the same?

  9. I'm in love with your work. I add your blog in my links, it's so nice here ! (sorry for my very bad english)

  10. Well, I see Time as a ribbon or, better, as a river. Someday, I wrote a linguistic article in which I "proved" that Time in language was flowing like a river...
    In fact, I was probably wrong ;))

  11. what a cute combination of different circles
