Next week I'll take the night train to Östersund. where I've never been before. To hang my exhibition at Galleri Remi, the opening is at saturday the 13th. Right now I'm concentrating on the selection and packing part, the courier will fetch the paintings on monday.
I guess some of these paintings will end up in my next calendar (if I'll make one will say). One of the larger paintings is already on the cover for the calendar I've made for 2011.
Nu finns min kalender att köpa på Krypton på Vallgatan i Göteborg.
Hej Camilla,
Har jag sagt det förut???
Vad mycket fint du gör och visar här:)
Och så, lycka till i slutspurten!
Östersund! Herregud. Min make som är från Halmstad påstår att allt norr om Stockholm är Norrland, men den här gången stämmer det. Kanske ser du norrsken där?
Jag tyckte också att Östersund låg väldigt långt norröver, men så skulle jag åka till Skellefteå i december och kollade ordentligt på kartan. Östersund ligger mer mitt i landet, och i Jämtland. Skellefteå däremot...!
god, I love the big one with the woman in the boat (from your new calendar)!
I wish I could go to östersund and buy some!
will there be a catalogue for the exhibition/will you take a picture of each painting?
ja, Skellefteå ligger i Västerbotten men i alla fall norröver.
Hmm, they are almost out of your hands then and ready for the world. Isn't it a little scary?
Good luck with the choosing and the packing. And have fun with the hanging! xx
taking a night train to a new city to hang paintings sounds exciting, and I'll agree w/ Janien a little scary too-:)
wishing you lots of luck on your journey, warm helpful faces in the new city and success on your show!
Mucha suerte en tu exposición, que vendas muchos cuadros para seguir creando imágenes tan bellas.
How I would love to see this exhibit, good luck with everything. They are going to be a hit!
They are looking so amazing all together. Have a safe trip (sounds sensational!) and enjoy the process!
they look amazing, Camilla! Please show us more if you can :)
So many beautiful paintings. All the very best for your exhibition Camilla! Wish I were there.
I would love to be at your exhibition if I lived nearby. The pictures are so lovely! But I will get your calendar for Christmas. My man will order it and I will open it on Christmas Eve. I am so looking forward to it. That will be my exhibition with Camilla:)
I wish I was there for the opening! Good luck!
I hope you make another calendar!
I love the painting of the two people within the space of the room. Do all your paintings sell out at each show?
looks great!
good luck!
Hi Camilla! Good luck with your exhibition! Two months ago I read an artikel (in de dutch magazine Flow)about starting a blog and they wrote about yours. I realy liked it and because of your blog I started my own 1 week ago!
Good luck with your exhibition Camilla, wish I could visit!! Autumn greetings from Paris!
Ska fixa en fika-karta till dig så titta in i ramaffären på samma gata som Remi. Lycka till / Ramflickan
outstanding! i wish i could see your work in person :) best of luck with the exhibition.
Vad vackert! Jag ska erkänna att mina svenska geografikunskaper är undermåliga. Det känns som halva Sverige ärr en enda stor barrskog:)
Wauw, this is beautiful.
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