Sunday, 28 November 2010

My brother has a mustache

It was my brother's birthday the other day. Instead of buying something we spent an evening together. Here he is at an old-fashioned barber for shaving. He got this mustache wax that I put my hands on because of the nice packaging.

Talking about mustaches, don't miss the Studio Violet Christmas offer!


  1. oh wow, this barber shop looks amazing!!!
    happy 1. advent to you!

  2. ser ut å ha blivit en lyckad födelsedagsafton! hoppas du slapp få en utskällning för att du fotograferade på ölhallen, jag fick en ordentlig en gång. knasigt!

  3. What an amazing old fashion barber shop! And this mustache wax package looks like you've designed it! Wish you a nice 1. Advent.

  4. Sandra både jag och min kamera är mycket diskreta.

  5. Sheila and Hazeldog28 November 2010 at 09:16

    Lovely to see Morran looking cosy on her blanket. Well wishes to her - and you. I wondered if she had had her surgery and scrolling through your back posts I see she has.

  6. That is such a nice barbershop!!!!

  7. Cool long hair :) Happy B. day to your "to do things together presents"...
    Just wanna say I bought my self a B. gift...your suitcase book...Came yesterday as planned...Super nice and loooovely book...thank you for the *face* comment earlier...hihi
    My heart smiled ;)

  8. haha
    unusual gift
    need to remember and surprise my husband

  9. I'm interested in that café/restaurant.
    What and where is it?--in case I ever get to your part of the world...

  10. It's neither a café nor a restaurant, it is a bar and a bar only. The name is 7ans ölhall it dwells in the center of the city near the food market.

  11. Hej Camilla, I first saw your work at Studio Violet, which I featured on my blog a while ago, but am thrilled to see more of your more of your work here. Let me know if there is anything you would like me to feature in the new year. I'm always looking for interesting projects, work and ideas to promote.

    Bästa hälsningar
