Tuesday, 30 November 2010


It looks nice outside, but it is very very cold. Morran only want to go out for short walks and I had to buy myself a new warm jacket. Today we took our morning walk to a café, got warm again, and then back home. That way the walk got a little longer :)

Morran want me to order one of these Pet portrait rubber stamps made by Kozue.


Luise said...

haha, and Hermann wants me to order his portrait here ;)

Luise said...

Oh, I just saw that Morran was her first customer! Lucky her, I want one, too...

Camilla Engman said...

Of course Herman should have a copy of himself!

Camilla Engman said...

If anyone is curious, here's the link - http://www.flickr.com/photos/siankeegan/2471902286/

barbara said...


very cute morran's bum pic!

Camilla Engman said...

I thought you would like it Barbara :)

barbara said...

;)) thank you!

Diana Toledano said...

oh, I'm super jealous of your desk... it's double the size of mine, siigh. in Madrid is freezing too... and raining!

Škorčica said...

My dog loves winter for catching snowballs, but she hates when it's time to squat down to pee! :)

ann.meer said...

camilla, all your work is so beautiful!

Unknown said...

In the Netherlands it's snowing... Your table looks great, I love to see pictures of an artist studio.

blue china studio happy said...

Morran seems to have her priorities straight! Cute rubber stamps.

Stay warm and cozy.

Unknown said...

Your working desk in the sunshine looks great, cosy and busy and Morrans photo is so funny. Good stamp taste your dog has, by the way. Barbara-2

Sabina said...

Love your work Camilla!! Big fan!! Great shot of your dog - too funny!!

Ulicam said...

Hej Camilla, vad fin din nya banner är. Du vet att du även kan gömma blogspot bannern som är högst upp? Det finns olika sidor som berättar hur man gör, här är en:

Camilla Engman said...

Tack Ulicam, jag dolde det där högst upp ett tag, men tycker själv att det är skönt att kunna trycka på "följa". Därför är den tillbaks.

Masha said...

I love the photo of Morran's behind - the paws look really weird though - like chicken legs :)

Delphine said...

my cat does the same thing with the back legs :D

gracia said...

Stay warm, all, bundled up in new jackets or wrapped in rugs by the heater. I'd fling some extra warm light your way if I could. Today is the first day of summer and I have high hopes for the three tomatoes I have planted.

Mlle Paradis said...

a little sushine, a little coffee and the body parts of small animals! those are adquate consolations for winter!

Sammi said...

It is freezing, it dropped below zero here today... my dog is not used to the cold, being from the canaries he doesn't like this cold. He won't go further than the end of my road.

Maria Riazzoli said...

Åh, älskar bilden på Morran!
Trevlig helg.

LittlePerson said...

what a incredible and cozy place to work ~