Sometimes you see a child carrying around on a bunch of wooden sticks and the parents desperately trying to convince their child to leave the sticks outside. I remember the feeling, not wanting to leave the things you had picked up, behind, all alone in the forrest.
Maissa Toulet
the middle piece looks like the head of a giraffe...
Love these pictures and the branches of course! Heads and noses and eyes and a lot of movement.
Very very cool!
It's so funny that you said that as I have little piles of sticks and rocks and acorn caps stacked outside my back door. I've convinced the kids that if they are kept in piles they will not get lost or lonely :)
It's true, I am desperately in love with this collection.
Your collection is lovely--the driftwood-esque ones in the first photo are my particular favorite.
And I know what you mean about not being able to leave your finds outside...I hauled a sap-covered pinecone as big as my head home on the bus yesterday, and though I got some strange looks, I just couldn't abandon that fantastic natural treasure. :)
I'm still collecting... :) Driftwood is fantastic
Es verdad, los objetos encontrados en el campo cuando eres un niño son pequeños tesoros de los que no quieres desprenderte.
I still bring things home, just beautiful things :)
Yes! Such collections are for the keeping.
(Your calendar arrived today... thank-you. It's as beautiful as expected. xo)
Nature is so beautiful and perfect. I love your collection and words (I agree :-) about it so much. Thank you for your visit and comment – I'm touched and very happy. Kisses (Hope Morran feels good)
Nice collection!
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