These are paper dolls I played with when I was a kid. Someone has written my name on the back of every piece and I've written the dolls names, I can still "see" that their names fit them.
The pointless museum - The Doctor Who Technical Manual.
Safety Matches.
haha va fint! vilke minnen och känslan av att hon heter si, hon heter så. . . bäst att namna alla kläder!! :D
Qué dulce!
I spent hours with my paper dolls as a girl. I would trace them and make new outfits. Somehow it all seemed a little too real in my mind...
oh my god!!!!
these are the cutest cut out dolls ever!
plus, your blog is totally awesome!
love it!
have fun being creative! x
You give me memories of bygones...I also hade loads of paper dolls and I made quite a few of my own, sorry but mum and dad did´t keep them...
Very nice Camilla and its a joy to look/read your blog..
Have a nice day..
I played a lot with these kind of dolls. Must be some at my parents. I should go and rescue things...
Ah, dom var söta... när jag var liten brukade jag och min syster klippa ut underklädsmodellerna från kataloger och leka med dom... jag vet inte varför vi just drogs till underklädsbrudarna..men så var det
The backsides are wonderful.
Vilken skön nostalgitripp! Jag var & fikade där i den skivaffären för 4 dagar sedan, deras kaffe är GOTT!!!
You were very careful! Lots of my paper dolls sported taped necks.
I loved paper dolls - I would cut
out models from catalogs to increase my doll family.
One of my favorites was Twiggy -
she was very mod!
I used to play with paper dolls most of the time. I can still recall those happy days with my paper dolls. LOL
o0o i loved paper dolls when I was a kid.
I had another run of artists in my house because i needed some new paper dolls. They were amazing.
Ohhh Camila i love paper dolls!
REgards to Sofia, Anna, Mari ;)
how adorable!
so beautiful. wish i still have mine saved somewhere. /Taru
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