Hear me roar (sorry, you have to understand the title :-)
It is still really cold and a lot of snow here, but the sun is getting warmer and the birds are preparing for spring(love). You can feel it, you can smell it. I long for spring, to be able to walk normal (no ice or slippery snow), to not have a ton of clothes on. Spring, we are ready for you, you are more than welcome! I want to wear dresses like this.
Shiokawa Izumi
Pia Bramley
ja nu vill jag ha snö- och isfri backe, sitter å rullar tummarna men int går det nå fortare för det ;)
ge karln en lycka-till-puss i pannan från mig! tjockt med läppstift på.
so good!! love the new pieces!
Beautiful work, Camilla!
I love the way you look at the world with a surreal eye!
brilliant. inspiring.
Those Korean dresses are called hanbok and trust me, you don't really want to wear them. The only plus is that because of the cut you can eat as much as you like!
inga rastahundenklänningar kanske, men hemskt fina, och våriga färger! här har vi rätt mkt barmark nu o man kan liksom röra sej på ett helt annat sätt...hade glömt..!
ps. hästen..jag kände att det blev lite mycket DJUR..om de nu kan bli för många? Kändes lite som jag hängde ut den stackars fuxen mä, gjorde narr av'en.
that sounds lovely and i think you'll help me to feel spring :)
Camilla, I am always inspired by your work, it is always provocative and beautiful. I love the northern aesthetic.
wow. stunning.
xo Alison
Yikes! But I'm not ready for that 180 degree sun swing! Last week we were sleeping in sweltering heat and then there was the weekend rain, hail and gale force everything and now I'm typing with frosty fingers - just give me a tick!
You just rule girl as always :)))) Great work...
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