I bought this little plastic bulb with a suction cup to feed the birds this harsh winter, it is stuck to my window. My desire was to drink my coffee while watching birds. I guess it takes a while before they find it. There is birds visiting, but not so many, I think there is especially one bird that visits. A picky one! He throws the food he doesn't want down to the ground for easier access to the tasty bits... I'll try to take a photo of him, but I don't want to scare him away. It is a Blue Tit.
i too have just bought a bird feeder for my garden, it's been there for a week and I haven't seen a bird on it, despite the fact that a tree in the next garden always has a dozen birds in it! i'm sure they will come though :)
That's a really cool bird feeder! I have some at home (for woodpeckers, they contain peanuts in their nutshell) and it took the woodpechers months before they started coming on a regular basis. Enjoy your birdorama :-)
What a cute and smart little feeder! I hope to see a glimpse of your visiting friend some time...
P.S.:What's the Swedish name for Blue Tit?
wow! where did you get the feeder from? it would be perfect for my student room! :)
That's a really cool feeder, I hope you can get a photo of him! Last summer, I set up a feeder in our yard with shelled sunflower seeds. The blue tits & great tits amassed in the trees and took turns eating out of it (one at a time) until it was empty!
Oh so nice ! :)
A blue tit is coming to our feeder too. And a black one (?) (une charbonière ), but only for the apple.
I bought it at Designtorget.
The name in swedish is Blåmes
looks like a little spaceship... :)
What a great idea. I wonder if it's not too cold for most birds though still.
I too shall want to see a blue tit, but in Paris, I am afraid that it's impossible, who knows ? I'm going to hang on a small house on my window... and wait...
A bird with Swedish colors!
I have the same feeder. The birds didn't find it here either at first. So I put a seedball (talgboll) next to it, since the birds finds them easy. And since that same day I have a flock of different birds here all days long. Blue tits, Great tits and Robins and so on.. They need the fatter things during winter so the seedball is more what they need now. But they won't say no to some snack like sunflower seeds from the feeder at the same time. You can hang the seedball directly on the feeder ;)
Black Oiled Sunflower Seeds! It is the secret to birdfeeders. I filled ours with them this year and had probably 500% more birds come. Many types of bird feed contain items such as corn, as fillers, which birds won't eat. xox from canada, sharilyn
oh wow. I'll see whether it's available online, I love it ;)
I've had an apple skewered into one of those feeder things for ages too and, so far, no luck. not one peck at it. I'll keep crossing fingers and peeking out of that window.
this is brilliant Camilla - as I am typing John has just spied 3 blue tits and 1 great tit out of our window! We have a bird table which is a few feet away from our study window but I would love one of these stick on ones too - so I'll be interested to see who visits you!
Jag har också köpt en sån där, satt upp på rutan och hoppats på att få en massa fågelbesök att studera på nära håll.
Men fåglarna ignorerar den totalt.
Och när jag hänger upp bollar i träden äter de gärna där istället.
Men en smart affärsidé verkar den här matningsstationen ha varit i alla fall.....
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