Monday 18 May 2009

Studio visitors

As a swede you don't like to complain over the sun, but it is just a little little bit sunny and warm with those windows. I bought a fan today. We had a small party in the studio this weekend, Marie-Louise, Fideli, Sara and Bibbi visited me. We ate indian take-away and drank wine and smoked on the sly on our terrace :) Soo nice to meet them all.


Johan said...

Grymt trevlig blogg!

; said...

vad kul ni måste ha haft!

marie-louise said...

Tusen tusen Tack!
Det var så kul att se ert trevliga och mysiga och härliga ställe! Och att mötas på riktigt!!!!!!!
Göteborg är såååååååå fint och fullt av snälla och rara människor. Men Uppsala går oxå an - kom hit nästa gång vetja!

Queen of the Tea Cosies said...

LOVE that drawing.

Gina said...

What naughty fun! Am just a bit jealous.

nina corvallo said...

uuuhhhuuhhh love that work! Willit be for sale?!!

laura andreoni said...

El dibujo me inquieta... es como un enigma bidimensional. ¿estan tomando vino argentino? "Los Alamos" saludos desde Buenos Aires

Radzimire said...

Beautiful painting

Rynke said...

That sounds like a nice evening!!