Thursday, 9 April 2009

Behind her back

Elisabeth has left for easter vacation. So now I can show you - first how messy she is and then a sneak peak on what Studio Violet has been working on, more pics over at the Studio Violet blog.


Jenna said...

Hello Camilla! I love your imagination, especially what you see when you look at the buttons on someone's coat! New Studio Violet collection looks like it'll be lovely. When will everything be revealed?

sMacThoughts said...

Oh my, those plates!!!

Ola said...

Those are beautiful !

;)) babsf said...


;)) babsf/vienna

Fine Little Day said...

Men du! :)

ana ventura said...

wow wow wow! You both are GREAT! Congrats for this lovely work. Looks amazing!

Alexandra Hedberg said...

haha, du smyger bakom hennes rygg! Kul att veta att andra är lika stökiga som jag!

Natascha Rosenberg said...

Ay! I can wait to see this fantastic new collection! Happy Easter to you, Elisabeth and Morran!!!

Nechepurenka said...

Sweet couple on plate)

Åsa said...

tallrikarna ar underbara, visa mer!
Kommer man att kunna bestalla och kopa tallrikar via er studio el i nagon butik?

Mvh Åsa

Camilla Engman said...

Åsa, dom kommer i alla fall finnas och vara till salu på Manos. Det är allt vi bestämt än så länge.

Jenna, Everything always takes more time than one expect, so who knows. But we are aming for next week...or the week after that.

amber perrodin said...

i love to see your mess! it always seem that you are so simple and clean. i just LOVE what you do camilla!

lisa solomon said...

that's a good kind of messy

Anonymous said...

pretty plates!

Ulicam said...

Glad Påsk Camilla! Jag har lagt upp hur man målar egg med lökskal på min blogg, kanske något som du skulle gilla! Ta gärna en titt :)

Hälsningar Uli

carapapa said...

I love those plates !!!!

read me... said...

I love those plates too!!

Veja cecilia said...

oj vad fint det blir!

Make it Easy said...

those plates are so cute!