These are taken at 11 o'clock, it was a strange light. It often is this time of the year. Yesterday was the shortest day of the year, now it will get brighter and brighter for every day that passes!
Elisabeth is back from Vietnam, it looks like she had a exciting trip.
the light in the photos is amazing... yes, it is lovely to think about that it is now getting lighter every day! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. I like ur blog.
i love these pictures. merry christmas!
i like so much your blog, is beautiful beautiful... =)
merry xmas!
Beautiful light and color. Those thorns! And thanks so much for the link to Nicholas Wilton. His work is fantastic. I am happy to know about him.
Smukke billeder. Det ligner dog mere efterår end det ligner vinter. Det er det samme hernede. Ikke mange spor af vinter. (Tak for gode links).
Glædelig jul:)
ja, vad ska man säga om detta konstiga väder...och här har det regnat så mycket, man blir helt slut av att det aldrig är ljust.
Men om ett par dagar är det så skönt att vara inomhus och mysa och äta och läsa och fira.
God Jul så in i norden till dig som är världens bästa bildmakare!
The light is beautiful, like something you find in a storybook.
Happy Holidays!
your forests in sweden are so beautiful and inspiring.
Yes, it is magical and luminous where you and your merry loves live.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. May 2009 bring with it many, many good things.
g xo
Looks like Morran is enjoying the winter sunshine...
Your pictures are also like paintings... they speek in the same language, your language.
One of these days I'm going to have one of your lovely pieces in my room! Oh yeah!
For now, I just would like to say thank you for showing us such beauty! Merry Christmas Camilla!
Lovely low sunbeams - quite magical, I love the winter light on a clear day. No snow for you yet I see, none for us either. Wishing you and Morran and your family a very Happy Christmas and New Year. I'll look forward to checking in again in January.
All these photos are beautiful, but when you see the first, you can really imagine a story. I love it, the light, the composition... A lovely winter day.
Morran on his way on the yellow brick road...
jaha är det så här storstan har sett ut när jag varit borta. fint att se!
So beautiful, that first photo looks like it is a wonderland, magical and not wintery!
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