Varoom 05 contained three of my favorite children book illustrators. Beatrice Alemagna, Marc Boutavant and Isabelle Vandenabeele.
I've been thinking of changing my "header" but never got around. Then today Elisabeth changed hers and suddenly I'd done a new one to myself, just like that. The result is maybe a little bit overloaded, but I couldn't stop myself.
I like very much your new "header":)
it looks great! like your blog a lot!
I love your new header; you have a lovely blog, too, that I've enjoyed viewing!
The new header is perfection...!
:) xo
Nämen så mycket fint här. Den där boken ser fantastisk ut, hur grym är inte den där telefonelefanten! Fin banner/header också, ju.
AH! Marc Boutavant! SÅ ÄLSKVÄRD! :D
Nej nej, inte är "headern overloaded"! -Supergalant! (fascinerande att man bara gör det ibland - utan en suck bara blir det liksom gjort på ett kick!) :)
love the header! don't think it's overdone. and those illustrations! wow.
Som en vårstädning, fint och inte för mycket. Jag vill också byta.
The header is charming. I'm always looking to learn about new (to me) and engaging children's book illustrators. Thanks for mentioning these.
Din header är ju härligt humoristisk... Kul att du byter då och då.
Den där tidskriften - waroom - vill jag också ha. Men den går väl antagligen inte att köpa här ... du prenumererar kanske?
I love the new header. More of your fabulous illustrations to welcome us each day.
Alexandra, jag beställde den från deras hemsida. + tack
Love the new header, particularly the little black bird :)
It's a great new header! And lovely post. I am patiently waiting for a copy of "Lulu Atlantis and the Quest for True Blue Love"
I don't think it looks too overloaded. It looks nice. :)
Those illustrations remind me a lot of your art.
ahhhhhh!!! que buenooooooo
es muy lindooo!!!
i like your blog a lot!!!!!
i love you new header. it's about time I work on mine too.
So many inspiring and grand illustrations... swoon worthy, indeed. Love the new banner, too.
see you, grache
the header is great!
love from vienna,
;) babsf
your header is just perfect..and does not seem crowded at all!...
lovely illustrations..always.!
. . .
Camilla, the new header is fantastic. I love it!!
I love your way of drawing!
and the Varoom looks like an exciting book!
I need to get it somewhere
Man blir ALLTID inspirerad här! Det är grymt!
The colours of the new header are perfect.
den är jättefin, det kan aldrig bli för mycket fint samtidigt. Fina barnböcker med.
den uppnosiga hunden i nya headern är en favorit! :D
wonderful new header! this place is always such a lovely visit.
I like the new header. How do you get the image in? Do you use a scanner?
That was me who left the anonymous comment... I didn't mean it to be anonymous so I will try again! How did you add your header and the other images that have no borders? Do you use a scanner? Thanks
i'm in love with marc maoutavant. you can come on my blog to see my "boutavanthèque".
oups, i've forgotten the link :
Wow these look great! Varoom is a brilliant magazine. They always seem to be involved with interesting people.
your new header is lovely! thank you for all the great links :)
first thing when i saw your new header made me think, oooo! i want my header to look as pretty!
hahaha, satt och stirrade och tyckte dina händer såg gigantiska ut. kom på att det är för att era golvplankor är mycket smalare än våra.
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