Christmas markets in Gothenburg.
An exhibition opens on friday where 10 artists is creating art pauses in the city's shopping area. Bibbi is one of them, and she has posted more about this event.
Laboratoriet Femton, kläder och keramik. Carnegiegatan (i Majorna nära Älvsborgsgatan) kl 11-17 lör-sön, denna helg och nästa. Där kan du bl a hitta julklappar från Frida Mälarborn
HDK julmarknad, där kan du hitta bl a detta. Sandras virkade gubbar, brickor och mini-kalendrar finns för beskådan och inköp. Fredag kl 16-19, lör-sön kl 11-17.
I always had fascination for twin beds, how strange is this idea : twin beds… Your work makes me really feel this strangeness, twin beds in twin paints…
Seriously AMAZING Camilla. wow.
this is amazing!
what a wonderful piece!
jag är väldigt svag för skisserna när de är så vita med bara streck också..fint!
Lisen, det är jag med. Jag bara inte kan lämna dom så... kanske kommer.
your blog is gorgeous !!! I love everything I see !
what a lovely peek behind the curtain!!
beautiful & amazing.
I love these--the rich almost gold patina of the bed and the texture of the comforters (so orderly). The gold makes me think of sacred rights, the inner soul.
The perspective is wonderful. The way we see the gestures of their bodies; that they have turned their backs to us (viewerS)asking for privacy, and that thing she does with her feet, its marvelous, I know that gesture.
The way they are paused there, makes (for me)that space between the beds an important territory, like "walking down the aisle" which makes me wonder what is on the wall above the end table. The eye goes into the tunnel between the beds like a path into a forest.
Don't know what you call that amorphous ghost figure, or if you ever talk about in other posts (what it means)but its provocative. Is it thinking? Is it an aspect of what is left, or what happened, or what was hoped, or all the unsayable things we all leave behind us, carry inside us? Its in other work, yes? I like its unsayable speaking quality--its a perfect metaphor for what we all can't express. I feel the silence in that room after.
Your work makes me want to ask questions. Are those feet hiding under the bed... the red! I love that! (Its not little red riding hood under there :) ?
I feel I am only supposed to say "this is Beautiful" here, but I couldn't.
Thanks for sharing.
Jag tycker också om linjeteckningarna, som ett annat spår. Tror det är första jag har sett av dig som är inomhus, det känns nytt (för mig) fint.
Yes Mansuetude has really verbally explored what I couldn't. Camilla they are incredibly evoative works. I have been looking at your blog now for a few months, and only now, because of these images, feel compelled to contact you. I am in Australia, but am very curious.... is the diptych for sale? Can I enquire? Love brydie
vad fina de är Camilla. de gör mig såååå sugen att måla själv
looks great! I also want that side table that's by the beds haha :)
Thank you for your comments, most appreciated!
Mansuetude - I looove your long comments. Your comments are longer than my blog post ever will be ;)
I think your interpretations are very good. You get it, even more then I do myself sometimes. Thank you.
Bibbi- det har du rätt i, det tänkte jag inte på. För att jag inte behövde definiera väggen tror jag...
Brydie - I think I'll have to keep it for a while, but I'm happy you like it. I'm honored.
Alexandra - det är bara att sätta igång!
I want paint like you! I'm in love with your work.
http://leonoralmeida.blogs.sapo.pt : my little work
de är så fina att jag nästan börjar grina (var tvungen att skriva ner det fina rimmet). på riktigt, jag vill ÄGA. det är sällan jag blir så här girig, men perkele - WOW! kram.
those "works in progress" are absolutley stunning! love them.
the way you look at the figures from the back,with their pale skin and in their underware gives it a very vulnerable beauty.i like how the top follows her shoulders.i would love to have this in my home.
you made something amazingly beatifull !
These pictures are so very special ...I look and think and think...what happend in that room? What is left behind? Who is under the bed?
It gives me the "creeps"...but in a good and exiting way.
I love them C.
Always..... you surprise me...:)
I like a lot your colors.
The scene is also very interesting.
GrEETinGsSSS!! :-)
i haven't been online as much lately, but i was on flickr just now and ...
without trying i completely understood what your painting was expressing... what an overwhelming, engulfing feeling.
this nonverbal language is so powerful and you seem to speak it so clearly to me!
I've wanted to say this:
When I comment I don't think (*want*) my words as permanent like "interpretations" but observations of a moment.
Symbolic language entangles something unspeakable in us all=we respond through so much strata of memory and mind and feeling: but each time I enter towards something of art I've liked, I hope there is open space, a field of exploration still available, an unspoken as of yet discovery.
Always, (in spite of all the words and thoughts), a mystery remains. Otherwise, I prefer silence.
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