Sometimes a shape get stuck to your brain. Recently this shape has been popping up. It's just one thing to do about it, cut cut cut...
So it's weekend again, I hope it will be a good one, I think so. Here's some links to go.
Rose and Radish still has some of my print "Red" left.
September 26 there will be a Pecha Kucha event here in Gothenburg, I hope I can go. Here's an international site about Pecha Kucha.
These Sou Sou shoe's are so cool.
det ser beroendeframkallande ut! ha en skön helg, vi borde fika snart.
J'adore that shape!!!!
Happy weekend to you :)
i like your cutting :-)
Hey there, I just discovered you blog today via Designsponge. I love you illustrative style! So sweetly simple.
I read your post about your new blog feeling lonely. I recently started a blog and feel the same way! I'll try to keep you company, maybe you could check out mine once in a while too.
love your blog. and these shapes are great. your work is very inspirational.
oh camilla. oh.
You rule, Camilla.
i was just in rose and radish yesterday for the first time. i had planned to go find out what they had in their store after i saw your piece from the bus and i finally found the store yesterday!
undrar hur det skulle kännas att ha de där skorna på sig? som stringtrosor på fötterna? haha ^^
åh det där är så fint så fint, shape of my week. tack!
Your shapes are beautiful colours, I love the graphic shapes with the soft natural flowers it really works.
It's just one thing to say about it, nice nice nice.
those are great colors! the flowers work well with them. i was just at an opening for artist Jen Stark who does paper art. It all looks so confusing to me haha
.thanks for showing that PECHA-KUCHA event! i'm going to visit it as well in Riga in October. so cool
Så fint!
i love that shape too and your cutting is perfect
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