So what's going on... I've start working with the 2008 calendar, I still need to fix some things with the prints package before it turns up in my "shop", Maria and I have only one more season collaboration left to do (to bad), I'm thinking of buying a new camera (the one I have is from 2001!)... oh yes, I'm now one of the IF-bloggers (haven't posted anything yet though).
The bird on the first picture is supposed to be a finch, I don't think I will ever see a finch without thinking of this lady.
The bird on the first picture is supposed to be a finch, I don't think I will ever see a finch without thinking of this lady.
kunde du int hitta en större ärtgrej? ;)
jag hade en jättliten hand den dagen ;)
love love the bird and the plates... and are those fava beans? yum
Great to see a kliche´again...many years since I had one in my hand...in 1979 I made these in my training place...
1982 I was a reprofotograf...
Funny how things turn out...
Nice beanthing...
love the bird
is that a metal toy? attached to a wrapped branch?
Vakre ting!
I love finches, they have such sweet little faces :)
i adore the finch! and the peas are just too much!!! you do beautiful work.
Den där ärtskidan är ju helt underbar! Hur är den gjord?
oh, i have the same bird pin, it's so cute! I am curious to know where you bought it...
Lisa s, I don't know their name, I just bought them because of their looks :)
sew nancy, it's a metal brooch.
jojo, jag bara ritade lite på bilden i photoshop.
Julia, I bought it in Venezia
how beautiful!...3 peas in a pod.
Ohhh Camilla I love the fava beans :)
Yes, seems like a zebra finch.
Here you are photos of my birds. I love zebra finches. ;)
those beans are so sweet!!
Oh I love the beans!!!
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