Music and a nice package from Petra, calendar from Maria Elina.
I made a swap with Andrea, I sent her one of my calendars and she sent me the Kuky se vrací dvd and book! Here is a trailer for the english version - Kooky. I don't know how to get hold of it. I'll let you know if I get the info.
Karin sent me this lovely doll, made by Francisca Robles, as a Christmas gift and I didn't even send her a postcard...! So I guess I'll have to clean her apartement or something next time I visit ;).
I also want to thank you for all the nice christmas cards!
That are really nice things the mailman brought you! I like the drawings of Kooky, do you know where you can see the book online? I only found the trailer...
The mailman brought you wonderful things! I love this Kooky book and the doll!
Everything is gorgeous! My mailman mostly brings bills to me. :P
the doodles (image 3) super nice!!!
In a world on email and instant communication, it is so nice to recieve a package of something fun in the mail! I love the striped doll!
you are a lucky woman with all that present flow in your mailbox!!!
Great, I wish i had such a nice mailman. Thab=nks for sharing.
grt, Helmi
How wonderful! I really love that doll.
So cute!
Have a great year!
I had never heard of that film before! Kooky--I will definitely have to look for it to be released here in the States.
wow that movie looks awesome.
thank you for sharing the link to the trailer!
did you enjoy it?
It is just my kind of movie!
Oh, fantastic things!And KUKY, i love it, i have this book at home and it's amazing~beautifull illustrations!
Have a nice day Camilla!:)
what lovely gifts!
so beautiful! how lovely :)
ha ha! I hadn't seen this, but Camilla that is an excellent idea! my apartment is in great need of a scrub, when can you start? x :)
there's nothing like a good mail day!
Nå har jeg fulgt deg så lenge utan å kommentere, og må bare si at tingene dine er utrulig flotte og kjempeinnspirerende! du er min nye helt. Smil fra Torun!
å men det gula halsbandet, var kommer det ifrån??
det var en gåva från Petra
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