Flowers from my husband, the postman brought me supercute stuff from Susie (she's working on a show, take a peek), beautiful twigs for my ears from Katy (need I say I love them :) and sort of a goodbye gift from sweet Alexandra (she's moving to London). Thank you!
Look what this talented lady, M. Partizio, has done using "my" decals!
Third Drawer Down started a Decalart Mania blog.
all lovely things!
I can only agree. Everything looks so nice.
wow! Looks fantastic! I would love to make some decal art too.
Maybe I missed something... is this the first time you say: "my husband"?
I guess that depends on how long you've been reading my blog, we've been married for seven years (he doesn't want to show in the blog, but occasionally he has)
do you think I am on vacation with only Morran ;)
Hahaha! I will read your past posts with more attention. Happiness to you all (You, He and Morran). I really love the way you take your meals... you are all great gourmands!
Greetings from Mexico City, Camilla. :o)
I have to admit you are not the first one that wonders. I hope you are having a great time in Mexico City. I hope I will visit your city at least once in my life.
My wife and me will be very pleased to receive you. Hugs. Your blog is one of the best things in internet. It has peace, beauty and loving. Thanks!!
all so beautiful! I especially love those earrings. :)
You have had a lucky day! Love the earrings - very suitable for Twig. :)
I thought you were married - you'll have to get your husband to make an appearance sometime!
Who knows what tomorrow will bring you!
I love your earrings... Katy is one of my favourites... my husband gave me a gift of one of her necklaces with the very same twig design!
vilken kalasdag! du ska få en present av mig också någon dag snart (en hemköpspåse med dina kokböcker i ;))
beauty all over.
vicken dag! såna behövs då och då! hurra så fint och lucky you! :)
Vilken rolig dag!
Hey hohoho...vad jag gillade den HÄR bloggen då...måste kika lite mer...
Gillar ditt sätt att uttrycka dig i rent konstnärligt också
Ha de fint/Emma
Just as good as a birthday with so many lovely things :)
Love the mood of your blog :)
I was just as surprised as sonic! You have been my "single woman artist" role model, but I will just have to abbreviate your title.. ; )
M.Patrizio's little boxes must have been so gratifying to see - almost a collaboration!
Vilka fina öronhängen! Tack för alla fina bilder och länkar du lägger ut!
Beautiful earrings !
Kære Camilla. Jeg har et spørgsmål vedrørende de meget, meget fine ting du har købt fra boygirlparty.com - hvordan har du bestilt dem? Så vidt jeg kan se er der ikke mulighed for at få sendt tingene til Europa? Måske du kan hjælpe : ) I øvrigt er det en skøn blog du har. Dine billeder er tryllebindende. Kærlig hilsen Linda
Linda, hon levererar inte utanför USA, jag fick en special leverans :) Kanske finns hennes saker att köpa i någon web butik?
Tak for dit hurtige og hjælpesomme svar. Dejligt med en speciel leverance til dig : ) Jeg kan desværre ikke finde nogle webbutikker, der sælger hendes produkter. Men tak alligevel.
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